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How to tell if you are in a divine soulmate relationship and when?

That first feeling when you have met your divine soulmate.

The first ascension feeling that you feel is an energy shift bringing your vibration higher into a 5G level.  You will feel an overload and overwhelming energy come through you, almost as is it was a strong magnetic pull coming from that person.  For some it may happen at the very beginning and others a little while after the relationship. When there is an ego-based energy, it is very difficult to recognize that person especially if you have been hurt before and blocking yourself from love.   There are many different types of signs to define The divine soulmate Energy relationship.   This is often called the divine union or soul union. When twin flames first meet, they know deep inside of this relationship is more than what is on the surface.  When you first meet your divine soulmate it will happens when you’re not expecting it. This connection came at a time when when it wasn’t the right time and you’re not prepared.  When you first meet your twin flame, you feel as it you know that person forever and have a long history together though you have never met them before. This is because there was flashes coming from previous life experiences that share with your divine soulmate or twin flame, This can happen with any of the Soulmates in the soul connection group.   At first it may feel as if everything is perfect and then out of the blue when they least expect it, there’s either negativity or separation that creating Heartache and emotional pain.   The divine soulmate love is the highest energy of love that we can ever find, because our authentic soul is united with our other half, making us complete.  Although we do have more than one and there are many that is meant to help us grow and evolve spiritually.   The purpose of the divine soulmate Twin flame?  We begin to learn about unconditional love is when we meet our divine partner. There will be a magnetic energy feeling that hold you both to one another ascending to a higher vibration of 5D.  It is not easy to reunite with your soulmate or twin flame. There is so much work that needs to be done prior to the divine union.  Sometimes these difficulties and challenges are necessary in order to get things right so they can Live in harmony. It’s never an easy relationship when it comes to the twin flame connection, as many of you know twin flames can go challanges and difficulites with unting, sometimes years before they come to the divine union.  Coming to a spiritual awakening with your divine soulmate is the first step. You first will recognize who that person is and understand that there is so much more between you two that you have not acknowledged before.   When twin flames are not ready to come to divine union, they will be energetically preparing for the divine union. There will be signs and numbers that will come through and they may be unexplained. This  happens with all Soulmates, twin flames, twin soul, twin Ray or past life Energy connection. They are all part of the Soulmate group.  Many times there is a life lesson that needs to be learned and not everyone is meant for like partnership with a particular soulmate or soul bond energy. We are sent soulmates overtime in order to help us grow spiritually to find an online our souls center. Leading us to the divine soul partner.  First step is to learn to love yourself discovering who you are and the only way to do this is look inside your heart. This is going to draw a higher frequency vibration in your energy level that will attract your divine soulmate and manifesting the connection into your life.   

The first ascension feeling that you feel is an energy shift bringing your vibration higher into a 5G level.

You will feel an overload and overwhelming energy come through you, almost as it is a strong magnetic pull coming from that person.

For some, it may happen at the very beginning and for others, a little while after the relationship. When there is an ego-based energy, it is very difficult to recognize that person, especially if you have been hurt before and blocking yourself from love.

When Divine soulmates (Soulmates, Twin Flames, Soul Twin, Twin Ray and Karmic connections) meet face-to-face, their vibrations rise to a higher frequency. They are introduced to a new world of spiritual awareness and unconditional love. When the Divine union happens with your Soulmate or Twin flame, this prepares the energy to a higher level of union, that can never be broken and sometimes continue throughout many life times. Every soul connection can find one another and begin the merge process. But it’s the spiritual awakening that is necessary for healing that we need within inside ourselves. When we meet our Divine Partner, it activates the fear inside of us. Many things that we carry in us with our realizing, these old past wounds and are amplified through their initial meeting. Twin flames many times will awake at different times when they first meet. Some can carry a relationship (even marriage) for a while and still they may not be completely awakened. This will cause the unawakened to run and hide from their true self.  This is when the healing process must take place and the learning lessons begin for both divine soulmates find their strength and truth (awakening to 5D). The most interesting part with this process is that you actually gain awareness of your own soul center. And even if you tried to disconnect from this connection or even run, the more it gets stronger and it will never stop merging together. When you are trying to reach out to your Twin and they are not listening; many times this is advised that you take a step back not to do the chasing. I’ve mentioned many times with Runner and Chaser stages (in all soul connections) is that the runner runs from their own inflicted previous wounds and the chaser needs to heal and let go of their own insecurities. Many times your Twin Soul is running from fear-based energy that they have been holding on to, and need to let go. You may feel it too, causing you both to work on this energetically. There could also be rejection and abandonment issues for both of you, and these issues have never healed, in many soulmate connections. This will take time because of ego blocking the soul from healing. Runners run because they try to keep their distance, that they know it’s not the right time, they need time to heal and grow. Although you may feel that you are ready, most soulmate relationships, they are both actually preparing and getting ready for the divine union to start. Divine Soulmate and Twin flames recognize that they need to find peace and healing inside themselves. Although consciously they may not except what is given to them, deep inside they are running and trying to find their inner child. As the internal energy between Twin souls amplify, looking for truth and unconditional love, tt creates a push and pull of runner/chaser dynamic. The chords and ties can never be cut or severed in anyway. It is a very extreme energy with emotional pain in the separation that happens with the Divine Soulmate/Twin Flame union. It’s all part of the process with healing and evolving spiritually. Twin flames are faced with the obstacles and chaos that they need to get past before they can find peace. Being separated from your divine twin so, can create a deep feeling of loss inside your soul. This is a time that we need to release and surrender ourselves through this emotional spiritual process. In order to accelerate the energy frequency inside themselves and raise their vibration together. The divine union happens when they first acknowledge who they are to each other by awakening. There is a need to be an acceptance with the both of them first with the spiritual union and then the physical reunion. They both need to work on whatever it is in their lives to become stayers. If one just accepts but the other isn't ready, they both can work on themselves remotely with telepathically connecting. This usually is done with meditation and sending love and light to help them complete their soul journey.

There are many different types of signs to define the Divine Soulmate Energy Relationship. 

This is often called the divine union or soul union. When twin flames first meet, they know deep inside that this relationship is more than what is on the surface.

When you first meet your divine soulmate, it happens when you’re not expecting it. This connection came at a time when it wasn’t the right time and you’re not prepared.

When you first meet your twin flame, you feel as if you know that person forever and have a long history together, though you have never met them before. This is because you had flashes coming from previous life experiences that you shared with your divine soulmate or twin flame. This can happen with any of the Soulmates in the soul connection group.

Soulmates and spiritual connections There are many different types of soulmates that we meet in our lifetime. Destiny sends us certain individuals to help fulfill our lives. Many times we need to go through certain challenges and tests that we must face, before we can meet our divine partner. It would be a wonderful thing if we can find our true soulmates and live happily ever after. But unfortunately this just does not always happen. Actually soulmates including twin flames, are usually faced with negativity and drama before they can live in harmony. Twin flames can feel each other‘s energy and can create a psychic impact between them. Making a very intense and extreme connection. I’m often asked through a psychic reading/session if there is a soulmate out there that can guarantee true love and happiness. The answer is yes and no, each soulmate that enters into our lives is to supplement us and to help us grow spiritually. Many can enter in our lives forming a deep relationship and then after time falling apart. Later being led to your true divine soul mate. Soulmate love relationships are helping us to grow and teach us lessons so that we can involve our souls to move forward. Twin flames are actually the mirror that reflects back to us with the issues that we have inside ourselves. This is a time when you meet your twin flame and you need to work on these issues in order to find your true center to move forward. Meeting at twin flame can change your life forever, your life can change in many ways . But also experiencing life lessons to ground and incorporate your authentic self. Always remember that soulmates, twin flames and divine partners don’t complete a person. They help us to complete our selves and vice versa. In order for us to be the best that we can be in our lives and empower more out of life to explore and find our true spirit center. Most likely you have met more than one soulmate and was involved in many different types of social relationships. Learning several types of lessons understanding and growing. Many times there is a standstill energy with certain types that you may be the one to help them to Move forward. By strengthening your spirit you can actually empower and inspire others to do the same. It’s a type of domino effect. And then moving onto the next soul connection until finding your divine partner, yes sometimes this can take years, but it’s all part of the cell growth with finding your divine Soulmate. Many times you wonder why can’t soulmates last? Actually Soulmate’s are part of our spiritual growth and learning certain life lessons is part of the process. Souls move on day-to-day, Not everyone is meant to be with a certain type. Many times we are faced with a spiritual impact, then moving on to find your true soulmate. Soulmate sometimes are afraid of the spiritual energy. Understanding that the spiritual connection may feel amazing for you both. But deep inside they can be scared to explore it any further. Often triggering the runner and the chaser stages not only with twin flames with Soulmate Connections experience this as well. Actually runners are not running from their soulmate or twin flame but actually from something deep inside themselves, that they have not encountered and accepted. This can go on from several months to years before they come to awakening to realize where they’re at. Psychic love reading/session can help shed light and help understand what is happening and if this is an actual soulmate that’s meant to be or time to move on. Ending of a Love relationship can’t be devastating. Also it may be happening for a reason in order to shed light in life and then reconciling in divine timing. These are the lessons we need to learn and to move on to find our true divine Soulmate.

At first, it may feel as if everything is perfect and then, out of the blue, when they least expect it, there’s either negativity or separation that creates heartache and emotional pain. 

The divine soulmate love is the highest energy of love that we can ever find because our authentic soul is united with our other half, making us complete.

Although we do have more than one, there are many that are meant to help us grow and evolve spiritually.

It's common for us to meet at least one or more soulmates in our lives. But not everyone will meet their twin flame. We all have a twin soul, only about 50% will meet in this lifetime. It's never good to go search for a certain type of divine partner. I talk about this in all my articles and videos, we are sent different people in our lives in order to help us gain clarity, and spiritually move forward. Each Soulmate will help you find your path, and it's predestined before you were born, if you will meet your Twin Flame in this lifetime. Basically a Soulmate will have a lot in common with you and share the same type of desires and interests. Their main goals in life will be similar to what your goals are. Whenever you meet your Soulmate, you will feel safe and very comfortable to be with this person. Soulmates are always drawn to each other helping us to grow spiritually. Soulmates and Twin flames are sent to us unexpectedly. This is not something you can plan or have any control on how or when they enter in your life. When you share a Soulmate connection with someone, they will make you feel very positive and boost your energy. You May have a long-term relationship or have deep friendship with this person for The rest of your life. Many times people will confuse a Twin flame connection for what is actually a soulmate connection. There is a very deep soul level connection that Soulmates share, where Twin flames are the other half of your soul. Twin flames go through lives searching and seeking for each other. Many times running from themselves, even after they found their twin flame. Commonly referred to the Runner and the Chaser phase. Twin flames are connected on every spiritual level with each other. But when there is the weaker vessel, that is afraid of the deep intensity of their connection. This will create the Runner and Chaser phase. When Twin flames first meet. It doesn't always happen that they recognize their other half. Although they are very drawn to that person. Going deep in your heart, that there is something more about this person that they need to explore. It is one of the most amazing and beautiful experience to have when you first recognize your Twin flame. You will instantly reach the 5D level with your Twin flame. Twin flames will always be afraid of the intense energies that they both share at first. It isn't easy for both, to go through their soul mission. Many times they have go through challenges along with tests in order to fulfill their life lessons to manifest their destiny together. When they do first meet, their life is never be the same. No matter where their relationship is at. When Twin flames initially meet. There is a separation, sometimes it can be anywhere from a few months to several years before they finally do reunite. When they are not ready to come together in union. There is a break in period for them both in order to find their true center and work on themselves. Your true purpose with meeting either your Soulmate or Twin flame, is to help your spiritual path grow. And finding harmony with your Divine partner. Your divine partner is not necessarily a specific type of Soulmate. But actually the one that you were predestined to be with in this lifetime. There are many issues and past situations that need to be dealt with and healed. Coming to a true spiritual awakening and awareness is the primary goal. In order for you to be with your divine partner, Soulmate or Twin flame you have to be ready and open to this Divine union. Twin flame Connections will have the same vibration frequency with each other. And share many synchronicities that will go into the 5D level. Many times they will live in 3-D for many years before they finally reach the 5D level. There will be many soul signs that will help them to understand that something is about to take place. As I mentioned before in my previous articles, certain numbers will come up especially 11:11. When Twin flames are separated it can be the most brutally painful and difficult time of their life. It will create anxiety and sometimes depression. There isn't a lot you can do to change, or speed up, but you to accept the situation. Be grounded and strong during this process. Twin flames go through the merge process and it is never easy but they can telepathically communicate when they are spiritually opened to it. This is why I highly recommend getting more into spirituality and using meditations to help relax and balance your spirit. Also getting physical activity will help with lessening the pain and balancing yourself as well. If you are disconnected or apart from your Soulmate. I highly recommend yoga, It can help with easing your mind and focus on your spiritual path. It's all part of the mind and body experience. This will help attract your divine partner into your life. It's not going to speed matters up if you're overwhelmed, stressed, Worried. This will only create anxiety and does nothing to bring you both together. Focusing on the laws of attraction and positivity helps with deal the emotional pain and actually attracts your soulmate or Twin flame to you. They actually can feel the vibrations that you send them since you both are connected. You will be able to telepathically communicate when you are relaxed and meditate on positive energy.

The purpose of the divine soulmate Twin flame?

We begin to learn about unconditional love is when we meet our divine partner. There will be a magnetic energy feeling that hold you both to one another, ascending to a higher vibration of 5D.

It is not easy to reunite with your soulmate or twin flame. There is so much work that needs to be done prior to the divine union.

Sometimes these difficulties and challenges are necessary in order to get things right so they can live in harmony. It’s never an easy relationship when it comes to the twin flame connection, as many of you know, twin flames can go through challenges and difficulties with hunting, sometimes years before they come to the divine union.

Coming to a spiritual awakening with your divine soulmate is the first step. You first will recognize who that person is and understand that there is so much more between you two that you have not acknowledged before.


When twin flames are not ready to come to divine union, they will be energetically preparing for the divine union.

There will be signs and numbers that will come through that may not be unexplained.
This happens with all Soulmates, twin flames, twin soul, twin ray or past life energy connection. They are all part of the Soulmate group.

Many times, there is a life lesson that needs to be learned and not everyone is meant for a partnership with a particular soulmate or soul bond energy. Soulmates are sent to us overtime in order to help us grow spiritually, to find and align our souls center, leading us to the divine soul partner.

First step is to learn to love yourself, discovering who you are and the only way to do that is to look inside your heart. This is going to draw a higher frequency vibration in your energy level that will attract your divine soulmate and help manifesting the connection into your life.

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soulmates, Twin Flames

Why Twin Soulmate Runner isn’t Awakened?

When Divine soulmates (Soulmates, Twin Flames, Soul Twin, Twin Ray and Karmic connections) meet face-to-face, their vibrations rise to a higher frequency.

When Divine soulmates (Soulmates, Twin Flames, Soul Twin, Twin Ray and Karmic connections) meet face-to-face, their vibrations rise to a higher frequency. They are introduced to a new world of spiritual awareness and unconditional love. When the Divine union happens with your Soulmate or Twin flame, this prepares the energy to a higher level of union, that can never be broken and sometimes continue throughout many life times. Every soul connection can find one another and begin the merge process. But it’s the spiritual awakening that is necessary for healing that we need within inside ourselves. When we meet our Divine Partner, it activates the fear inside of us. Many things that we carry in us with our realizing, these old past wounds and are amplified through their initial meeting. Twin flames many times will awake at different times when they first meet. Some can carry a relationship (even marriage) for a while and still they may not be completely awakened. This will cause the unawakened to run and hide from their true self.  This is when the healing process must take place and the learning lessons begin for both divine soulmates find their strength and truth (awakening to 5D). The most interesting part with this process is that you actually gain awareness of your own soul center. And even if you tried to disconnect from this connection or even run, the more it gets stronger and it will never stop merging together. When you are trying to reach out to your Twin and they are not listening; many times this is advised that you take a step back not to do the chasing. I’ve mentioned many times with Runner and Chaser stages (in all soul connections) is that the runner runs from their own inflicted previous wounds and the chaser needs to heal and let go of their own insecurities. Many times your Twin Soul is running from fear-based energy that they have been holding on to, and need to let go. You may feel it too, causing you both to work on this energetically. There could also be rejection and abandonment issues for both of you, and these issues have never healed, in many soulmate connections. This will take time because of ego blocking the soul from healing. Runners run because they try to keep their distance, that they know it’s not the right time, they need time to heal and grow. Although you may feel that you are ready, most soulmate relationships, they are both actually preparing and getting ready for the divine union to start. Divine Soulmate and Twin flames recognize that they need to find peace and healing inside themselves. Although consciously they may not except what is given to them, deep inside they are running and trying to find their inner child. As the internal energy between Twin souls amplify, looking for truth and unconditional love, tt creates a push and pull of runner/chaser dynamic. The chords and ties can never be cut or severed in anyway. It is a very extreme energy with emotional pain in the separation that happens with the Divine Soulmate/Twin Flame union. It’s all part of the process with healing and evolving spiritually. Twin flames are faced with the obstacles and chaos that they need to get past before they can find peace. Being separated from your divine twin so, can create a deep feeling of loss inside your soul. This is a time that we need to release and surrender ourselves through this emotional spiritual process. In order to accelerate the energy frequency inside themselves and raise their vibration together. The divine union happens when they first acknowledge who they are to each other by awakening. There is a need to be an acceptance with the both of them first with the spiritual union and then the physical reunion. They both need to work on whatever it is in their lives to become stayers. If one just accepts but the other isn't ready, they both can work on themselves remotely with telepathically connecting. This usually is done with meditation and sending love and light to help them complete their soul journey.

They are introduced to a new world of spiritual awareness and unconditional love.

When the Divine union happens with your Soulmate or Twin flame, this prepares the energy to a higher level of union, that can never be broken and sometimes continue throughout many life times. Every soul connection can find one another and begin the merge process.

But it’s the spiritual awakening that is necessary for healing that we need within inside ourselves. When we meet our Divine Partner, it activates the fear inside of us.
Many things that we carry in us with our realizing, these old past wounds and are amplified through their initial meeting.

Twin flames many times will awake at different times when they first meet. Some can carry a relationship (even marriage) for a while and still they may not be completely awakened.

When Divine soulmates (Soulmates, Twin Flames, Soul Twin, Twin Ray and Karmic connections) meet face-to-face, their vibrations rise to a higher frequency. They are introduced to a new world of spiritual awareness and unconditional love. When the Divine union happens with your Soulmate or Twin flame, this prepares the energy to a higher level of union, that can never be broken and sometimes continue throughout many life times. Every soul connection can find one another and begin the merge process. But it’s the spiritual awakening that is necessary for healing that we need within inside ourselves. When we meet our Divine Partner, it activates the fear inside of us. Many things that we carry in us with our realizing, these old past wounds and are amplified through their initial meeting. Twin flames many times will awake at different times when they first meet. Some can carry a relationship (even marriage) for a while and still they may not be completely awakened. This will cause the unawakened to run and hide from their true self.  This is when the healing process must take place and the learning lessons begin for both divine soulmates find their strength and truth (awakening to 5D). The most interesting part with this process is that you actually gain awareness of your own soul center. And even if you tried to disconnect from this connection or even run, the more it gets stronger and it will never stop merging together. When you are trying to reach out to your Twin and they are not listening; many times this is advised that you take a step back not to do the chasing. I’ve mentioned many times with Runner and Chaser stages (in all soul connections) is that the runner runs from their own inflicted previous wounds and the chaser needs to heal and let go of their own insecurities. Many times your Twin Soul is running from fear-based energy that they have been holding on to, and need to let go. You may feel it too, causing you both to work on this energetically. There could also be rejection and abandonment issues for both of you, and these issues have never healed, in many soulmate connections. This will take time because of ego blocking the soul from healing. Runners run because they try to keep their distance, that they know it’s not the right time, they need time to heal and grow. Although you may feel that you are ready, most soulmate relationships, they are both actually preparing and getting ready for the divine union to start. Divine Soulmate and Twin flames recognize that they need to find peace and healing inside themselves. Although consciously they may not except what is given to them, deep inside they are running and trying to find their inner child. As the internal energy between Twin souls amplify, looking for truth and unconditional love, tt creates a push and pull of runner/chaser dynamic. The chords and ties can never be cut or severed in anyway. It is a very extreme energy with emotional pain in the separation that happens with the Divine Soulmate/Twin Flame union. It’s all part of the process with healing and evolving spiritually. Twin flames are faced with the obstacles and chaos that they need to get past before they can find peace. Being separated from your divine twin so, can create a deep feeling of loss inside your soul. This is a time that we need to release and surrender ourselves through this emotional spiritual process. In order to accelerate the energy frequency inside themselves and raise their vibration together. The divine union happens when they first acknowledge who they are to each other by awakening. There is a need to be an acceptance with the both of them first with the spiritual union and then the physical reunion. They both need to work on whatever it is in their lives to become stayers. If one just accepts but the other isn't ready, they both can work on themselves remotely with telepathically connecting. This usually is done with meditation and sending love and light to help them complete their soul journey.

This will cause the unawakened to run and hide from their true self. 

This is when the healing process must take place and the learning lessons begin for both divine soulmates find their strength and truth (awakening to 5D).

The most interesting part with this process is that you actually gain awareness of your own soul center. And even if you tried to disconnect from this connection or even run, the more it gets stronger and it will never stop merging together.

When you are trying to reach out to your Twin and they are not listening; many times this is advised that you take a step back not to do the chasing. I’ve mentioned many times with Runner and Chaser stages (in all soul connections) is that the runner runs from their own inflicted previous wounds and the chaser needs to heal and let go of their own insecurities.

Many times your Twin Soul is running from fear-based energy that they have been holding on to, and need to let go. You may feel it too, causing you both to work on this energetically.

There could also be rejection and abandonment issues for both of you, and these issues have never healed, in many soulmate connections. This will take time because of ego blocking the soul from healing.

Runners run because they try to keep their distance, that they know it’s not the right time, they need time to heal and grow. Although you may feel that you are ready, most soulmate relationships, they are both actually preparing and getting ready for the divine union to start.

When Divine soulmates (Soulmates, Twin Flames, Soul Twin, Twin Ray and Karmic connections) meet face-to-face, their vibrations rise to a higher frequency. They are introduced to a new world of spiritual awareness and unconditional love. When the Divine union happens with your Soulmate or Twin flame, this prepares the energy to a higher level of union, that can never be broken and sometimes continue throughout many life times. Every soul connection can find one another and begin the merge process. But it’s the spiritual awakening that is necessary for healing that we need within inside ourselves. When we meet our Divine Partner, it activates the fear inside of us. Many things that we carry in us with our realizing, these old past wounds and are amplified through their initial meeting. Twin flames many times will awake at different times when they first meet. Some can carry a relationship (even marriage) for a while and still they may not be completely awakened. This will cause the unawakened to run and hide from their true self.  This is when the healing process must take place and the learning lessons begin for both divine soulmates find their strength and truth (awakening to 5D). The most interesting part with this process is that you actually gain awareness of your own soul center. And even if you tried to disconnect from this connection or even run, the more it gets stronger and it will never stop merging together. When you are trying to reach out to your Twin and they are not listening; many times this is advised that you take a step back not to do the chasing. I’ve mentioned many times with Runner and Chaser stages (in all soul connections) is that the runner runs from their own inflicted previous wounds and the chaser needs to heal and let go of their own insecurities. Many times your Twin Soul is running from fear-based energy that they have been holding on to, and need to let go. You may feel it too, causing you both to work on this energetically. There could also be rejection and abandonment issues for both of you, and these issues have never healed, in many soulmate connections. This will take time because of ego blocking the soul from healing. Runners run because they try to keep their distance, that they know it’s not the right time, they need time to heal and grow. Although you may feel that you are ready, most soulmate relationships, they are both actually preparing and getting ready for the divine union to start. Divine Soulmate and Twin flames recognize that they need to find peace and healing inside themselves. Although consciously they may not except what is given to them, deep inside they are running and trying to find their inner child. As the internal energy between Twin souls amplify, looking for truth and unconditional love, tt creates a push and pull of runner/chaser dynamic. The chords and ties can never be cut or severed in anyway. It is a very extreme energy with emotional pain in the separation that happens with the Divine Soulmate/Twin Flame union. It’s all part of the process with healing and evolving spiritually. Twin flames are faced with the obstacles and chaos that they need to get past before they can find peace. Being separated from your divine twin so, can create a deep feeling of loss inside your soul. This is a time that we need to release and surrender ourselves through this emotional spiritual process. In order to accelerate the energy frequency inside themselves and raise their vibration together. The divine union happens when they first acknowledge who they are to each other by awakening. There is a need to be an acceptance with the both of them first with the spiritual union and then the physical reunion. They both need to work on whatever it is in their lives to become stayers. If one just accepts but the other isn't ready, they both can work on themselves remotely with telepathically connecting. This usually is done with meditation and sending love and light to help them complete their soul journey.

Divine Soulmate and Twin flames recognize that they need to find peace and healing inside themselves.

Although consciously they may not except what is given to them, deep inside they are running and trying to find their inner child.

As the internal energy between Twin souls amplify, looking for truth and unconditional love, tt creates a push and pull of runner/chaser dynamic. The chords and ties can never be cut or severed in anyway.

It is a very extreme energy with emotional pain in the separation that happens with the Divine Soulmate/Twin Flame union. It’s all part of the process with healing and evolving spiritually. Twin flames are faced with the obstacles and chaos that they need to get past before they can find peace.

Being separated from your divine twin so, can create a deep feeling of loss inside your soul. This is a time that we need to release and surrender ourselves through this emotional spiritual process. In order to accelerate the energy frequency inside themselves and raise their vibration together.

When Divine soulmates (Soulmates, Twin Flames, Soul Twin, Twin Ray and Karmic connections) meet face-to-face, their vibrations rise to a higher frequency. They are introduced to a new world of spiritual awareness and unconditional love. When the Divine union happens with your Soulmate or Twin flame, this prepares the energy to a higher level of union, that can never be broken and sometimes continue throughout many life times. Every soul connection can find one another and begin the merge process. But it’s the spiritual awakening that is necessary for healing that we need within inside ourselves. When we meet our Divine Partner, it activates the fear inside of us. Many things that we carry in us with our realizing, these old past wounds and are amplified through their initial meeting. Twin flames many times will awake at different times when they first meet. Some can carry a relationship (even marriage) for a while and still they may not be completely awakened. This will cause the unawakened to run and hide from their true self.  This is when the healing process must take place and the learning lessons begin for both divine soulmates find their strength and truth (awakening to 5D). The most interesting part with this process is that you actually gain awareness of your own soul center. And even if you tried to disconnect from this connection or even run, the more it gets stronger and it will never stop merging together. When you are trying to reach out to your Twin and they are not listening; many times this is advised that you take a step back not to do the chasing. I’ve mentioned many times with Runner and Chaser stages (in all soul connections) is that the runner runs from their own inflicted previous wounds and the chaser needs to heal and let go of their own insecurities. Many times your Twin Soul is running from fear-based energy that they have been holding on to, and need to let go. You may feel it too, causing you both to work on this energetically. There could also be rejection and abandonment issues for both of you, and these issues have never healed, in many soulmate connections. This will take time because of ego blocking the soul from healing. Runners run because they try to keep their distance, that they know it’s not the right time, they need time to heal and grow. Although you may feel that you are ready, most soulmate relationships, they are both actually preparing and getting ready for the divine union to start. Divine Soulmate and Twin flames recognize that they need to find peace and healing inside themselves. Although consciously they may not except what is given to them, deep inside they are running and trying to find their inner child. As the internal energy between Twin souls amplify, looking for truth and unconditional love, tt creates a push and pull of runner/chaser dynamic. The chords and ties can never be cut or severed in anyway. It is a very extreme energy with emotional pain in the separation that happens with the Divine Soulmate/Twin Flame union. It’s all part of the process with healing and evolving spiritually. Twin flames are faced with the obstacles and chaos that they need to get past before they can find peace. Being separated from your divine twin so, can create a deep feeling of loss inside your soul. This is a time that we need to release and surrender ourselves through this emotional spiritual process. In order to accelerate the energy frequency inside themselves and raise their vibration together. The divine union happens when they first acknowledge who they are to each other by awakening. There is a need to be an acceptance with the both of them first with the spiritual union and then the physical reunion. They both need to work on whatever it is in their lives to become stayers. If one just accepts but the other isn't ready, they both can work on themselves remotely with telepathically connecting. This usually is done with meditation and sending love and light to help them complete their soul journey.
Twin flame Divine union Soulmate energy

The divine union happens when they first acknowledge who they are to each other by awakening.

There is a need to be an acceptance with the both of them first with the spiritual union and then the physical reunion. They both need to work on whatever it is in their lives to become stayers.

If one just accepts but the other isn’t ready, they both can work on themselves remotely with telepathically connecting. This usually is done with meditation and sending love and light to help them complete their soul journey.

If you have a question about your situation, fill the form below.

By Submitting yes you are stating that you are 18 or over. Agree to the disclaimer of Terms and conditions and aware of the privacy policy. All information provided on this website are for entertainment purposes only. By using this website,  by selecting yes you agree to the privacy policy and terms of use, please read our disclaimer.

Permission to be added to Newsletter and contact list (no obligation). You give your consent to be added to our mailing list. You will be notified with updates, offers and free readings. We will always treat your personal information/reading completely confidential & private and never sell them to any other company. You can always opt out any anytime and your information will be deleted from our database. *

Be patient questions will be answered in the order they are received.  Current wait times can be higher than normal and can take up to 96 hours before your question is opened and answered by one of Soulmate connections advisers.

Secure – Information will not shared – All information sent is always private and confidential.

soulmates, Twin Flames

Divine Reunion Phases – Soulmates, Twin Flames & Sacred Connections

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to Divine Soulmates, Twin Flames, Twin Rays and Sacred Soul Connections.
There is a lot of confusion when it comes to divine soulmates, Twin flames, Twin Rays and Sacred Soul Connections.       They all can get stuck in the separation stages and remain at a standstill for many years.     There are many challenges and life lessons they need to go through in order to find serenity with each other.   Many Divine Soulmates try to force the connection out of the stages by trying to speed the process in order to come to the divine union sooner. But only turns to more heartache and separation.   Although it is a very brutal and challenging process when it comes to a divine union. You both need to trust the universe I working on yourselves in order to get through the trials and tests.   Soulmate connections, we have more than one as you may already know, and though many are quite different from each other, they all serve a purpose in our lives. Not all will be a long-term partner, but help us to fulfill our destiny.     Upon meeting your soulmate you will know instantly that there is a immediate spiritual bond.   The effect will be very intense and although you may not know this person, you will feel like you’ve known them all your life. Twin flames have a very intense effect when it comes to feeling each others energy, just like biological Twins. I have many other articles that explain differences with soulmates and Twin Flames.   Divine soul mates and twin flames can mimic the intensity of the magnetic pull. Many people confuse the types of divine soulmates and try to specifically Search for the ultimate divine Soul connection.   I’ve always recommended that you never go looking for a type of connection that you think appeals to you since you don’t know if you will ever meet that type of Divine Soulmate in this lifetime.  There are so many different types of divine soulmates/partners (Soulmates, Past life connections, Twin flames, Twin rays and etc.) that we are meant to be with.      Divine soulmates and feel the bond instantly, telepathy is very common with spiritual connections.   They can telepathically communicate and pick up one another’s feelings and thoughts without trying. Twin flames will actually feel their twin’s Energy and it will affect them emotionally and spiritually.   When Divine Soulmates look into one another’s eyes there is a deep intensity that can't be explained. This is the window of their soul, many times it be very difficult and awkward to make direct eye contact.    With Twin flames this direct stare and is the mirror of your own soul, this almost feel like you’re bouncing back to yourself. It also is intensified if there is soul work and healing that needs to be done in order to come to a divine union.   Divine soul connection is connected on every spiritual level. This connection can have a very strong impact on them in many ways. No matter where they’re at in their lives, you’re always drawn to one another, like a magnet is to metal.   Divine Reunion Phases:   Phase 1: Recognizing one another opening the soul center and feeling the honeymoon phase. There are many synchronicities at the experience and knowing that they have a divine purpose with one another and this can occur with any type of Divine Soulmate.   Phase 2: Coming to terms with past emotions and old wounds, things start to become very real! Which can causes more serious conversations and disagreements. They’re both being tested and analyzing the purpose of the relationship.   Phase 3: Anxieties and negativity starts to hit their relationship. Disagreements become arguments and hurt along with separation. Their relationship goes through a roller coaster with emotions trying to find the love that they once had, but all they feel is pain and hurt.   Phase 4: Separating and running. This is commonly referred to the runner and the chaser stages in all Divine Soulmate Connections, you can read more about Runner and the chaser to get a better understanding.   Phase 5: Working on yourself along with purging negativity. The effects of this stage can go on for sometime for both Divine partners, though it isn't easy (I know) it may feel as if it’s never ending and your divine Partner is constantly running, but actually you both are. This happens because there is still work that needs to be done with both of you before the divine reunion can take place.   Phase 6: Awakening and coming together. Although a Divine Union has not completely taken place, this is the first steps. Although it may not be exactly the way it was at the very beginning, this can be a process as well as the both of you need to work on yourselves together getting through the issues and illuminating your soul bond back together.     The one thing to always remember with divine soul mates is that they are working on themselves with self Love healing.   Their energy radiates to a higher level in 5D, but when one is not completely ready, they need to discover what truly is in their heart. Many times this is letting go of past wounds and emotional negativities in order to come to a powerful awakening. Balance needs to be restored with their sacred soul love connection. Coming together with this new energy unifies them to merge into Yin and Yang. Rebirth into the divine union as the soul merges as one.  

They all can get stuck in the separation stages and remain at a standstill for many years.

There are many challenges and life lessons they need to go through in order to find serenity with each other. Many Divine Soulmates try to force the connection out of the stages by trying to speed the process in order to come to the divine union sooner. But only turns to more heartache and separation.

Although it is a very brutal and challenging process when it comes to a divine union. You both need to trust the universe I working on yourselves in order to get through the trials and tests.


There is a lot of confusion when it comes to divine soulmates, Twin flames, Twin Rays and Sacred Soul Connections.       They all can get stuck in the separation stages and remain at a standstill for many years.     There are many challenges and life lessons they need to go through in order to find serenity with each other.   Many Divine Soulmates try to force the connection out of the stages by trying to speed the process in order to come to the divine union sooner. But only turns to more heartache and separation.   Although it is a very brutal and challenging process when it comes to a divine union. You both need to trust the universe I working on yourselves in order to get through the trials and tests.   Soulmate connections, we have more than one as you may already know, and though many are quite different from each other, they all serve a purpose in our lives. Not all will be a long-term partner, but help us to fulfill our destiny.     Upon meeting your soulmate you will know instantly that there is a immediate spiritual bond.   The effect will be very intense and although you may not know this person, you will feel like you’ve known them all your life. Twin flames have a very intense effect when it comes to feeling each others energy, just like biological Twins. I have many other articles that explain differences with soulmates and Twin Flames.   Divine soul mates and twin flames can mimic the intensity of the magnetic pull. Many people confuse the types of divine soulmates and try to specifically Search for the ultimate divine Soul connection.   I’ve always recommended that you never go looking for a type of connection that you think appeals to you since you don’t know if you will ever meet that type of Divine Soulmate in this lifetime.  There are so many different types of divine soulmates/partners (Soulmates, Past life connections, Twin flames, Twin rays and etc.) that we are meant to be with.      Divine soulmates and feel the bond instantly, telepathy is very common with spiritual connections.   They can telepathically communicate and pick up one another’s feelings and thoughts without trying. Twin flames will actually feel their twin’s Energy and it will affect them emotionally and spiritually.   When Divine Soulmates look into one another’s eyes there is a deep intensity that can't be explained. This is the window of their soul, many times it be very difficult and awkward to make direct eye contact.    With Twin flames this direct stare and is the mirror of your own soul, this almost feel like you’re bouncing back to yourself. It also is intensified if there is soul work and healing that needs to be done in order to come to a divine union.   Divine soul connection is connected on every spiritual level. This connection can have a very strong impact on them in many ways. No matter where they’re at in their lives, you’re always drawn to one another, like a magnet is to metal.   Divine Reunion Phases:   Phase 1: Recognizing one another opening the soul center and feeling the honeymoon phase. There are many synchronicities at the experience and knowing that they have a divine purpose with one another and this can occur with any type of Divine Soulmate.   Phase 2: Coming to terms with past emotions and old wounds, things start to become very real! Which can causes more serious conversations and disagreements. They’re both being tested and analyzing the purpose of the relationship.   Phase 3: Anxieties and negativity starts to hit their relationship. Disagreements become arguments and hurt along with separation. Their relationship goes through a roller coaster with emotions trying to find the love that they once had, but all they feel is pain and hurt.   Phase 4: Separating and running. This is commonly referred to the runner and the chaser stages in all Divine Soulmate Connections, you can read more about Runner and the chaser to get a better understanding.   Phase 5: Working on yourself along with purging negativity. The effects of this stage can go on for sometime for both Divine partners, though it isn't easy (I know) it may feel as if it’s never ending and your divine Partner is constantly running, but actually you both are. This happens because there is still work that needs to be done with both of you before the divine reunion can take place.   Phase 6: Awakening and coming together. Although a Divine Union has not completely taken place, this is the first steps. Although it may not be exactly the way it was at the very beginning, this can be a process as well as the both of you need to work on yourselves together getting through the issues and illuminating your soul bond back together.     The one thing to always remember with divine soul mates is that they are working on themselves with self Love healing.   Their energy radiates to a higher level in 5D, but when one is not completely ready, they need to discover what truly is in their heart. Many times this is letting go of past wounds and emotional negativities in order to come to a powerful awakening. Balance needs to be restored with their sacred soul love connection. Coming together with this new energy unifies them to merge into Yin and Yang. Rebirth into the divine union as the soul merges as one.  

Upon meeting your soulmate you will know instantly that there is a immediate spiritual bond.

The effect will be very intense and although you may not know this person, you will feel like you’ve known them all your life. Twin flames have a very intense effect when it comes to feeling each others energy, just like biological Twins. I have many other articles that explain differences with soulmates and Twin Flames.
Divine soul mates and twin flames can mimic the intensity of the magnetic pull. Many people confuse the types of divine soulmates and try to specifically Search for the ultimate divine Soul connection.
I’ve always recommended that you never go looking for a type of connection that you think appeals to you since you don’t know if you will ever meet that type of Divine Soulmate in this lifetime.  There are so many different types of divine soulmates/partners (Soulmates, Past life connections, Twin flames, Twin rays and etc.) that we are meant to be with. 

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to divine soulmates, Twin flames, Twin Rays and Sacred Soul Connections.       They all can get stuck in the separation stages and remain at a standstill for many years.     There are many challenges and life lessons they need to go through in order to find serenity with each other.   Many Divine Soulmates try to force the connection out of the stages by trying to speed the process in order to come to the divine union sooner. But only turns to more heartache and separation.   Although it is a very brutal and challenging process when it comes to a divine union. You both need to trust the universe I working on yourselves in order to get through the trials and tests.   Soulmate connections, we have more than one as you may already know, and though many are quite different from each other, they all serve a purpose in our lives. Not all will be a long-term partner, but help us to fulfill our destiny.     Upon meeting your soulmate you will know instantly that there is a immediate spiritual bond.   The effect will be very intense and although you may not know this person, you will feel like you’ve known them all your life. Twin flames have a very intense effect when it comes to feeling each others energy, just like biological Twins. I have many other articles that explain differences with soulmates and Twin Flames.   Divine soul mates and twin flames can mimic the intensity of the magnetic pull. Many people confuse the types of divine soulmates and try to specifically Search for the ultimate divine Soul connection.   I’ve always recommended that you never go looking for a type of connection that you think appeals to you since you don’t know if you will ever meet that type of Divine Soulmate in this lifetime.  There are so many different types of divine soulmates/partners (Soulmates, Past life connections, Twin flames, Twin rays and etc.) that we are meant to be with.      Divine soulmates and feel the bond instantly, telepathy is very common with spiritual connections.   They can telepathically communicate and pick up one another’s feelings and thoughts without trying. Twin flames will actually feel their twin’s Energy and it will affect them emotionally and spiritually.   When Divine Soulmates look into one another’s eyes there is a deep intensity that can't be explained. This is the window of their soul, many times it be very difficult and awkward to make direct eye contact.    With Twin flames this direct stare and is the mirror of your own soul, this almost feel like you’re bouncing back to yourself. It also is intensified if there is soul work and healing that needs to be done in order to come to a divine union.   Divine soul connection is connected on every spiritual level. This connection can have a very strong impact on them in many ways. No matter where they’re at in their lives, you’re always drawn to one another, like a magnet is to metal.   Divine Reunion Phases:   Phase 1: Recognizing one another opening the soul center and feeling the honeymoon phase. There are many synchronicities at the experience and knowing that they have a divine purpose with one another and this can occur with any type of Divine Soulmate.   Phase 2: Coming to terms with past emotions and old wounds, things start to become very real! Which can causes more serious conversations and disagreements. They’re both being tested and analyzing the purpose of the relationship.   Phase 3: Anxieties and negativity starts to hit their relationship. Disagreements become arguments and hurt along with separation. Their relationship goes through a roller coaster with emotions trying to find the love that they once had, but all they feel is pain and hurt.   Phase 4: Separating and running. This is commonly referred to the runner and the chaser stages in all Divine Soulmate Connections, you can read more about Runner and the chaser to get a better understanding.   Phase 5: Working on yourself along with purging negativity. The effects of this stage can go on for sometime for both Divine partners, though it isn't easy (I know) it may feel as if it’s never ending and your divine Partner is constantly running, but actually you both are. This happens because there is still work that needs to be done with both of you before the divine reunion can take place.   Phase 6: Awakening and coming together. Although a Divine Union has not completely taken place, this is the first steps. Although it may not be exactly the way it was at the very beginning, this can be a process as well as the both of you need to work on yourselves together getting through the issues and illuminating your soul bond back together.     The one thing to always remember with divine soul mates is that they are working on themselves with self Love healing.   Their energy radiates to a higher level in 5D, but when one is not completely ready, they need to discover what truly is in their heart. Many times this is letting go of past wounds and emotional negativities in order to come to a powerful awakening. Balance needs to be restored with their sacred soul love connection. Coming together with this new energy unifies them to merge into Yin and Yang. Rebirth into the divine union as the soul merges as one.  

Divine soulmates and feel the bond instantly, telepathy is very common with spiritual connections.

They can telepathically communicate and pick up one another’s feelings and thoughts without trying. Twin flames will actually feel their twin’s Energy and it will affect them emotionally and spiritually.
When Divine Soulmates look into one another’s eyes there is a deep intensity that can’t be explained. This is the window of their soul, many times it be very difficult and awkward to make direct eye contact. 
With Twin flames this direct stare and is the mirror of your own soul, this almost feel like you’re bouncing back to yourself. It also is intensified if there is soul work and healing that needs to be done in order to come to a divine union.
Divine soul connection is connected on every spiritual level. This connection can have a very strong impact on them in many ways. No matter where they’re at in their lives, you’re always drawn to one another, like a magnet is to metal.

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to divine soulmates, Twin flames, Twin Rays and Sacred Soul Connections.       They all can get stuck in the separation stages and remain at a standstill for many years.     There are many challenges and life lessons they need to go through in order to find serenity with each other.   Many Divine Soulmates try to force the connection out of the stages by trying to speed the process in order to come to the divine union sooner. But only turns to more heartache and separation.   Although it is a very brutal and challenging process when it comes to a divine union. You both need to trust the universe I working on yourselves in order to get through the trials and tests.   Soulmate connections, we have more than one as you may already know, and though many are quite different from each other, they all serve a purpose in our lives. Not all will be a long-term partner, but help us to fulfill our destiny.     Upon meeting your soulmate you will know instantly that there is a immediate spiritual bond.   The effect will be very intense and although you may not know this person, you will feel like you’ve known them all your life. Twin flames have a very intense effect when it comes to feeling each others energy, just like biological Twins. I have many other articles that explain differences with soulmates and Twin Flames.   Divine soul mates and twin flames can mimic the intensity of the magnetic pull. Many people confuse the types of divine soulmates and try to specifically Search for the ultimate divine Soul connection.   I’ve always recommended that you never go looking for a type of connection that you think appeals to you since you don’t know if you will ever meet that type of Divine Soulmate in this lifetime.  There are so many different types of divine soulmates/partners (Soulmates, Past life connections, Twin flames, Twin rays and etc.) that we are meant to be with.      Divine soulmates and feel the bond instantly, telepathy is very common with spiritual connections.   They can telepathically communicate and pick up one another’s feelings and thoughts without trying. Twin flames will actually feel their twin’s Energy and it will affect them emotionally and spiritually.   When Divine Soulmates look into one another’s eyes there is a deep intensity that can't be explained. This is the window of their soul, many times it be very difficult and awkward to make direct eye contact.    With Twin flames this direct stare and is the mirror of your own soul, this almost feel like you’re bouncing back to yourself. It also is intensified if there is soul work and healing that needs to be done in order to come to a divine union.   Divine soul connection is connected on every spiritual level. This connection can have a very strong impact on them in many ways. No matter where they’re at in their lives, you’re always drawn to one another, like a magnet is to metal.   Divine Reunion Phases:   Phase 1: Recognizing one another opening the soul center and feeling the honeymoon phase. There are many synchronicities at the experience and knowing that they have a divine purpose with one another and this can occur with any type of Divine Soulmate.   Phase 2: Coming to terms with past emotions and old wounds, things start to become very real! Which can causes more serious conversations and disagreements. They’re both being tested and analyzing the purpose of the relationship.   Phase 3: Anxieties and negativity starts to hit their relationship. Disagreements become arguments and hurt along with separation. Their relationship goes through a roller coaster with emotions trying to find the love that they once had, but all they feel is pain and hurt.   Phase 4: Separating and running. This is commonly referred to the runner and the chaser stages in all Divine Soulmate Connections, you can read more about Runner and the chaser to get a better understanding.   Phase 5: Working on yourself along with purging negativity. The effects of this stage can go on for sometime for both Divine partners, though it isn't easy (I know) it may feel as if it’s never ending and your divine Partner is constantly running, but actually you both are. This happens because there is still work that needs to be done with both of you before the divine reunion can take place.   Phase 6: Awakening and coming together. Although a Divine Union has not completely taken place, this is the first steps. Although it may not be exactly the way it was at the very beginning, this can be a process as well as the both of you need to work on yourselves together getting through the issues and illuminating your soul bond back together.     The one thing to always remember with divine soul mates is that they are working on themselves with self Love healing.   Their energy radiates to a higher level in 5D, but when one is not completely ready, they need to discover what truly is in their heart. Many times this is letting go of past wounds and emotional negativities in order to come to a powerful awakening. Balance needs to be restored with their sacred soul love connection. Coming together with this new energy unifies them to merge into Yin and Yang. Rebirth into the divine union as the soul merges as one.  

Divine Reunion Phases:

Phase 1: Recognizing one another opening the soul center and feeling the honeymoon phase. There are many synchronicities at the experience and knowing that they have a divine purpose with one another and this can occur with any type of Divine Soulmate.

Phase 2: Coming to terms with past emotions and old wounds, things start to become very real! Which can causes more serious conversations and disagreements. They’re both being tested and analyzing the purpose of the relationship.

Phase 3: Anxieties and negativity starts to hit their relationship. Disagreements become arguments and hurt along with separation. Their relationship goes through a roller coaster with emotions trying to find the love that they once had, but all they feel is pain and hurt.

Phase 4: Separating and running. This is commonly referred to the runner and the chaser stages in all Divine Soulmate Connections, you can read more about Runner and the chaser to get a better understanding.

Phase 5: Working on yourself along with purging negativity.
The effects of this stage can go on for sometime for both Divine partners, though it isn’t easy (I know) it may feel as if it’s never ending and your divine Partner is constantly running, but actually you both are. This happens because there is still work that needs to be done with both of you before the divine reunion can take place.

Phase 6: Awakening and coming together. Although a Divine Union has not completely taken place, this is the first steps. Although it may not be exactly the way it was at the very beginning, this can be a process as well as the both of you need to work on yourselves together getting through the issues and illuminating your soul bond back together.


The one thing to always remember with divine soul mates is that they are working on themselves with self Love healing.

Their energy radiates to a higher level in 5D, but when one is not completely ready, they need to discover what truly is in their heart. Many times this is letting go of past wounds and emotional negativities in order to come to a powerful awakening. Balance needs to be restored with their sacred soul love connection. Coming together with this new energy unifies them to merge into Yin and Yang. Rebirth into the divine union as the soul merges as one.
 Soulmates and spiritual connections There are many different types of soulmates that we meet in our lifetime. Destiny sends us certain individuals to help fulfill our lives. Many times we need to go through certain challenges and tests that we must face, before we can meet our divine partner. It would be a wonderful thing if we can find our true soulmates and live happily ever after. But unfortunately this just does not always happen. Actually soulmates including twin flames, are usually faced with negativity and drama before they can live in harmony. Twin flames can feel each other‘s energy and can create a psychic impact between them. Making a very intense and extreme connection. I’m often asked through a psychic reading/session if there is a soulmate out there that can guarantee true love and happiness. The answer is yes and no, each soulmate that enters into our lives is to supplement us and to help us grow spiritually. Many can enter in our lives forming a deep relationship and then after time falling apart. Later being led to your true divine soul mate. Soulmate love relationships are helping us to grow and teach us lessons so that we can involve our souls to move forward. Twin flames are actually the mirror that reflects back to us with the issues that we have inside ourselves. This is a time when you meet your twin flame and you need to work on these issues in order to find your true center to move forward. Meeting at twin flame can change your life forever, your life can change in many ways . But also experiencing life lessons to ground and incorporate your authentic self. Always remember that soulmates, twin flames and divine partners don’t complete a person. They help us to complete our selves and vice versa. In order for us to be the best that we can be in our lives and empower more out of life to explore and find our true spirit center. Most likely you have met more than one soulmate and was involved in many different types of social relationships. Learning several types of lessons understanding and growing. Many times there is a standstill energy with certain types that you may be the one to help them to Move forward. By strengthening your spirit you can actually empower and inspire others to do the same. It’s a type of domino effect. And then moving onto the next soul connection until finding your divine partner, yes sometimes this can take years, but it’s all part of the cell growth with finding your divine Soulmate. Many times you wonder why can’t soulmates last? Actually Soulmate’s are part of our spiritual growth and learning certain life lessons is part of the process. Souls move on day-to-day, Not everyone is meant to be with a certain type. Many times we are faced with a spiritual impact, then moving on to find your true soulmate. Soulmate sometimes are afraid of the spiritual energy. Understanding that the spiritual connection may feel amazing for you both. But deep inside they can be scared to explore it any further. Often triggering the runner and the chaser stages not only with twin flames with Soulmate Connections experience this as well. Actually runners are not running from their soulmate or twin flame but actually from something deep inside themselves, that they have not encountered and accepted. This can go on from several months to years before they come to awakening to realize where they’re at. Psychic love reading/session can help shed light and help understand what is happening and if this is an actual soulmate that’s meant to be or time to move on. Ending of a Love relationship can’t be devastating. Also it may be happening for a reason in order to shed light in life and then reconciling in divine timing. These are the lessons we need to learn and to move on to find our true divine Soulmate.

If you have a question about your situation, fill the form below.

If you have a question about your situation, fill the form below.

By Submitting yes you are stating that you are 18 or over. Agree to the disclaimer of Terms and conditions and aware of the privacy policy. All information provided on this website are for entertainment purposes only. By using this website,  by selecting yes you agree to the privacy policy and terms of use, please read our disclaimer.

Permission to be added to Newsletter and contact list (no obligation). You give your consent to be added to our mailing list. You will be notified with updates, offers and free readings. We will always treat your personal information/reading completely confidential & private and never sell them to any other company. You can always opt out any anytime and your information will be deleted from our database. *

Be patient questions will be answered in the order they are received.  Current wait times can be higher than normal and can take up to 96 hours before your question is opened and answered by one of Soulmate connections advisers.

Secure – Information will not shared – All information sent is always private and confidential.

All information provided on this website are for entertainment purposes only. By using this website, that you agree to the privacy policy and terms of use, please read our disclaimer.

soulmates, Twin Flames

Working through August 2017 Energy Shifts

Energy shifts throughout this whole month has got to be the most energetic and dynamic energy we have all seen in a long time. First it started with the Lionsgate portal along with the lunar eclipse. A few days later we go right into Mercury retrograde and then not to mention we are also in Uranus retrograde at the same time. With all of the shifts combined everyone is feeling it and wondering how to cope with it. Soulmate and Twinflames feel it the strongest at this time.  That not it, there is the very powerful and amazing Solar eclipse approaching us on August 21, 2017, this is going to be one of the most spectacular and beautiful solar eclipse's. Most people will not be able to see the full solar eclipse, but everyone will definitely feel that magnetic energy.  These energy shifts are not all meant to have a positive twist with them at the beginning. Many people are going through purging with negativities and especially those who are involved in Soulmate and twin flame relationship situations that involve challanges.  Many of the shifts have different types of affects on all of us, not everyone is going to feel the same. Many are going through break ups or separations, while some are finding new beginning's with love.  Everyone's situation is unique and not everybody is going to feel the same energy shift. For many this is the beginning of something that is going to start forming and manifesting in the coming months. Many people will feel a complete change and a renewal.  It's been a busy month for me and I've been asked this question by numerous people of how to cope with these energy shifts and when the change will happen. I said I don't have all the answers I can only describe of what is to come and The transformations you are experiencing.  Many people are trying to block these changes because of past emotions and the one thing with Mercury retrograde, it makes it difficult to get comfortable in any type of change that you were approaching.  Many people are resisting it and trying to understand it which we all are, but you need to focus on your situation and The beneficial reason that you're not completely aware of and for these changes.  Sometimes with an energy purge you may feel a feeling of sadness and almost as if you were sick to your stomach. This is because there is so much spiritual energy helping you transform to shift from the old energetic to the brand new magnified energy of you.  There's healing work that needs to be done and coming to terms with past emotions and negativities by letting them go and allowing the transformation to begin.  When it comes to soulmates, it's never an easy time specially if you're involved in a twin flame relationship. There are several transformations that are happening between you both, To allow the renewal to happen and the shifts to manifest you to come into a divine union. Although many of you may be coming close to the time of your reunion or many of you are preparing for this at a later time.  This is the time to just release whatever no longer suits you in your life and let go. That doesn't necessarily mean a person that is distant from you, but letting go of the anger and the negativity that you may be holding onto. Sometimes this is part of the work that is necessary to help you come to the divine union with your soulmate.  Focus on yourself working on you, if you're feeling stressed or having issues about a situation, this is the time for you to take a step back and let the universe help you with your transformation.

Energy shifts throughout this whole month has got to be the most energetic and dynamic energy we have all seen in a long time.

First it started with the Lionsgate portal along with the lunar eclipse. A few days later we go right into Mercury retrograde and then not to mention we are also in Uranus retrograde at the same time. With all of the shifts combined everyone is feeling it and wondering how to cope with it. Soulmate and Twinflames feel it the strongest at this time.

That not it, there is the very powerful and amazing Solar eclipse approaching us on August 21, 2017, this is going to be one of the most spectacular and beautiful solar eclipse’s. Most people will not be able to see the full solar eclipse, but everyone will definitely feel that magnetic energy.

These energy shifts are not all meant to have a positive twist with them at the beginning. Many people are going through purging with negativities and especially those who are involved in Soulmate and twin flame relationship situations that involve challenges.

Many of the shifts have different types of affects on all of us, not everyone is going to feel the same. Many are going through break ups or separations, while some are finding new beginning’s with love.

Twin flames is a very deep spiritual partnership. Their energies are so connected that the mirror and reflect everything with each other. They reveal a lot about yourself that you may have not acknowledged. They are the reflection of the part of you that was not seen. When Soulmates first meet I can be the most amazing and powerful experience. This often referred to as the
Everyone’s situation is unique and not everybody is going to feel the same energy shift.

For many this is the beginning of something that is going to start forming and manifesting in the coming months. Many people will feel a complete change and a renewal.

It’s been a busy month for me and I’ve been asked this question by numerous people of how to cope with these energy shifts and when the change will happen.
I said I don’t have all the answers I can only describe of what is to come and The transformations you are experiencing.

Many people are trying to block these changes because of past emotions and the one thing with Mercury retrograde, it makes it difficult to get comfortable in any type of change that you were approaching.

Many people are resisting it and trying to understand it which we all are, but you need to focus on your situation and the beneficial reason that you’re not completely aware of and for these changes.

Sometimes with an energy purge you may feel a feeling of sadness and almost as if you were sick to your stomach. This is because there is so much spiritual energy helping you transform to shift from the old energetic to the brand new magnified energy of you.


There’s healing work that needs to be done and coming to terms with past emotions and negativities by letting them go and allowing the transformation to begin.

When it comes to soulmates, it’s never an easy time specially if you’re involved in a twin flame relationship. There are several transformations that are happening between you both.To allow the renewal to happen and the shifts to manifest you to come into a divine union. Although many of you may be coming close to the time of your reunion or many of you are preparing for this at a later time.

This is the time to just release whatever no longer suits you in your life and let go. That doesn’t necessarily mean a person that is distant from you, but letting go of the anger and the negativity that you may be holding onto. Sometimes this is part of the work that is necessary to help you come to the divine union with your soulmate.

Focus on yourself working on you, if you’re feeling stressed or having issues about a situation, this is the time for you to take a step back and let the universe help you with your transformation.

If you have a question about your situation, fill the form below.

By Submitting yes you are stating that you are 18 or over. Agree to the disclaimer of Terms and conditions and aware of the privacy policy. All information provided on this website are for entertainment purposes only. By using this website,  by selecting yes you agree to the privacy policy and terms of use, please read our disclaimer.

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Be patient questions will be answered in the order they are received.  Current wait times can be higher than normal and can take up to 96 hours before your question is opened and answered by one of Soulmate connections advisers.

Secure – Information will not shared – All information sent is always private and confidential.


soulmates, Twin Flames

Cutting the Ties with Your Soulmate or Twin flames?

Can you cut the ties with your soulmate, twin flame or Divine Partner?

Twin flames is a very deep spiritual partnership. Their energies are so connected that the mirror and reflect everything with each other. They reveal a lot about yourself that you may have not acknowledged. They are the reflection of the part of you that was not seen. When Soulmates first meet I can be the most amazing and powerful experience. This often referred to as the

This is one of the most asked about questions that I receive on a daily basis.
I know this is a very difficult process when there is a separation between two soulmates. But there is no easy or quick fix to cut ties with your divine Soulmate.

Only because this would be like removing part of yourself. Especially When you are involved with a Runner and Chaser situation.

Twin flames year very deep energetic spiritual bond together. With soulmates there is more to complete but sometimes it is not perfected or ready that you both need to work on yourselves in the meantime.

As soon as we incarnated into this lifetime, Everyone has given free will to make decisions. Sometimes coming into a the Runner and Chaser relationship. This is when one half is awake but the other isn’t.

The most popular Twin flame question, that I'm asked every day.

You can read more about the Runner Chaser in my previous article to get a better understanding on this topic.

Everyone is given the chance to choose when to reunite with our Divine partner or Twinflame. In order for us to do this, we all have to prepare. That means having other types of love relationships to experience in our life. Helping us and inviting opportunities of spiritual growth. This take time.

This is all part of your emotional and spiritual growth. When there is a separation, the energy is being felt on both sides and even though you may feel like you’re getting the better end of the stick.

The most popular Twin flame question, that I'm asked every day.

This is all something that is helping you to work on yourself. The key here is getting things right with your authentic self in order to come in to the divine union when the time is right.

When you are going through a difficult time in your relationship or separation from one that you are spiritually connected to. The need to reach out to the person sometimes can be agonizing and it’s also part of your life lesson with control.

With disciplined and gaining control of your spiritual energy, you will understand that there is no quick fix to separate yourself from your twin flame or divine partner.

But instead working on yourself to help with the merging and divine union. You both are on a special mission to grow and develop together, even though you may be apart or having issues. This is all part of a master plan to bring you both together in the divine experience as one.

The most popular Twin flame question, that I'm asked every day.
Even with the most complicated situations, you have to work harder on yourself in order to purify and bring up your vibrational level two with highest. This helps with coming to a 5D level with your divine partner.

Unfortunately there is no easy way to cut the ties or bonds with your divine partner. Many of you may disagree and continue to try, but this will only create more chaotic and anxiety in your life trying to speed the reunion.

Especially when universe is telling you about that it is not a time and you’re not ready. The time is to get prepared and allow the spiritual growth to manifest deeper in your life. The Divine partners bond will grow and get stronger.

If you have a question about your situation, fill the form below.

By Submitting yes you are stating that you are 18 or over. Agree to the disclaimer of Terms and conditions and aware of the privacy policy. All information provided on this website are for entertainment purposes only. By using this website,  by selecting yes you agree to the privacy policy and terms of use, please read our disclaimer.

Permission to be added to Newsletter and contact list (no obligation). You give your consent to be added to our mailing list. You will be notified with updates, offers and free readings. We will always treat your personal information/reading completely confidential & private and never sell them to any other company. You can always opt out any anytime and your information will be deleted from our database. *

Be patient questions will be answered in the order they are received.  Current wait times can be higher than normal and can take up to 96 hours before your question is opened and answered by one of Soulmate connections advisers.

Secure – Information will not shared – All information sent is always private and confidential.