Holidays, Twin Flames

Winter Solstice Celebrating light – Twin Flame Union

Twin flames & all divine Soulmates go through intense emotional times during this time of the year.

This is the most celebrated time of the year all over the World and even in ancient times.

Not only is it the shortest day of the year but it is also the rebirth of the Sun.

In the Northern Hemisphere it is on December 21st/22nd 2023 and in the Southern Hemisphere it is on June 21st/22nd 2023.

Just to give you a quick background on how it is celebrated.

The Christians celebrate the Winter solstice during Christmas time (12/25). The birth of jesus.

In many other religions and cultures, there is a celebration during this time as well. As it is in Egypt, there’s a celebration of Horus, and in Europe there is Yule.

Winter Solstice is the birth of the new sun.

There are many different types of celebrations and spiritual rituals that happen during this time of the year. Using the greeting words during December “Happy Holidays”, it is universal and covers it all!

December 21st is a very spiritual path. Celebrating with family, friends and the one that you love, is keeping your vibration lifted.

But when you are apart and separated from your Divine partner. Which can be either your Soulmate or Twin flame. It leaves many people sad and lonely during the holidays.


This is the time to release lower dark energies with the power of light. That positive energy that is transmitted to YOU through the new sun.

The new light will bring sensations of tingles, there may be some pressure. You will feel certain parts of your body. That you may feel as if there is a higher energy about to emerge inside of you. This is a higher consciousness that your higher self is excited for the rebirth of the Sun.

Your higher self is actually calling out to your Divine partner. The 3-D is becoming less dense and the 5-D is slowly merging in.

This energy calls out to your higher self and your Twin flame; you will be able to reciprocate energy vibrations to one another. By bringing the both of you to an Ascension state.


During the month of January, I like to continue setting out goals and putting together my vision board. Using a visions board help so much with keeping up with your goals and your spirit remains uplifted.

The Winter Solstice brings everyone to a higher energy level. They can feel the love inside themselves if they just open their hearts. This also includes Divine Soulmates and Twin flames who are not yet in a union.

The Solstice Gateway opening peaks on December 21st. This is a gateway that signifies an opening of new beginnings, soul cycles, manifestations. This will trigger a release of past emotional negativities.

There are many people who spiral down during the Winter Solstice and can last for up to two weeks. As they start to adjust and release the triggers that are causing emotional upsets. It is best that you focus on yourself and self-care.

December 21, 2020, is a very powerful experience bringing a new era with Jupiter in conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius, all that happening on the Winter/Summer solstice. This conjunction happens about every 20 years, creating a deep spiritual change for love relationships and awakening divine counterparts as they come to a perfect alignment. This is a powerful spiritual energy shift, because of the combination of energy shifts. This is also a blessed time as it’s a magical time when the three Wisemen followed a Star to bring gifts to the night Jesus was born. Better known as the Christmas Star, it is coming close in conjunction to Jupiter and Saturn. These powerful events will amplify the energy and bring and enlightenment for Love. The Winter solstice and the Summer solstice are a celebrated time all over the world. The Winter solstice is the shortest day of the year and it is the rebirth of a new sun. In the Northern hemisphere, it falls on December 21/22, and in the Southern hemisphere, it’s on June 21/22. There are many different celebrations during this time of the year. Christmas is a time to celebrate the Winter solstice on December 25, the birth of Jesus. In other religions and cultures, there are celebrations during this time also. In Egypt, there is a celebration of Horus, and in Europe there was Yule. Winter solstice is the birth of a new light. The Sun is reborn and it is gaining strength all over again. Because of this special time, we see many different types of celebrations along with spiritual rituals that are going on at the end of the year. This is the main reason why the word "Happy Holiday" is used and it is universal all over the world. It’s not about religion or culture but about celebrating our beautiful new sun gaining strength to the planet. December 21 is a perfect time to celebrate with friends and family and the people who we care most about. It’s about uplifting your vibration and being positive. This is also a time to release any negative feelings or emotions that you may be holding onto. It’s all about the new light as it brings sensations of love and light into our environment. You will also feel certain sensations physically throughout your whole body during this time. This is mainly because of the higher energies that are emerging deeper inside of you. This is part of the higher consciousness of your higher self as it is amplified and excited for the rebirth of our new beautiful Sun being born. This is also a time when your higher self will be calling out to your divine partner. The 3D becomes less dense as the 5D merges in. This energy reciprocates right back to your Twin flame. They both are able to feel vibrations towards one another as their ascension begins. It is an excellent time to put out positive intentions and plans/goals for 2021. Throughout the month of January is another good time to set out future plans as you may be starting on your vision board. Using vision boards help with keeping your goals together and your spirit uplifted every time you add and visualize new beginnings. The Winter solstice helps everyone achieve a higher energy level. Learning to love themselves and open their hearts to love. This creates an effect on divine counterparts, including Twin flames who are not in a union. This solstice Gateway opens its peak on December 21. This gateway also signifies an opening of changes, soul cycle manifestations, and new beginnings, releasing old past wounds and starting over again. Awakenings development, it’s important for Twin flames to release ego. This can also bring sadness as people many times are sad and spiral down during the solstice. And this can go on for many weeks. Until the new year is an effect, this is part of an adjustment and releasing emotional upsets and negativities. If you are feeling sad and hurt during this time, it’s highly recommended that you focus on yourself with self-care. Twin flames are not able to manifest into the union until they are both ready. This is why it is advisable to work on yourself to prepare for the union. We saw many shifts during this year, 2020 changed everyone’s life around the World. This is all involving healing from previous spiritual paths. Winter solstice will bring new lights and amazing changes that will follow for 2021. As the Southern hemisphere is coming into the Summer solstice, this is also a celebration of its sound as it is the fulfillment of the light and the Sun. Both solstices are the opposite but represent celebration and light. It is the beginning of the end, but a total balance happening throughout the planet. The Winter solstice ignites divine partners to open themselves to the light inside themselves. Although everybody is different. Embrace gratitude while celebrating the Winter solstice. It’s a beautiful time of light but also deep energy intuition and manifestation. This is highly recommended to give gratitude for all your blessings and sharing the love in your heart with others. During this time, any people set their goals as they write in an itinerary for the coming year or planner. This is a rebirth of the new Sun and a new Year. I always give gratitude in the mornings along with prayer and saying positive affirmations. On the morning of Winter solstice, I will be burning white sage and do a spiritual cleanse with lavender, frankincense and myrrh, and other oils in my diffuser. This helps me feel more connected to the light and helps ground myself, clearing out any bad energies that you may have accumulated during the year 2020. It was a very extreme year for everyone. I highly recommend welcoming in new beginnings and changes with positivity in your thoughts. Decorate with a seasonal deco. You don’t have to be religious or follow any kind of culture. But it’s all about the energy that you bring in as we are approaching 2021. It’s an excellent time to bring out some more bling and decorate with lights as it will bring the light inside you. It’s an excellent time to meditate and connect to your higher self. This is very important during this time to reach out to others and say what’s on your mind or heart but say it with love. The Winter solstice is about bringing in positivity and embracing happy times. Reaching out to people who are in need and lend a hand the best that you can. Overall celebrating with peace and love as you’re welcoming in new beginnings and blessings. Happy Winter / Summer solstice, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!


This is a very important time to focus on yourself with self-care and self-love. Releasing any fear-based energy so that you will be able to connect to your higher self. Imn order to telepathically communicate with your Twin flame.

Twin Flames  cannot come together until they are ready. It is strongly advise that you work on yourself to prepare for the Divine union.

There were many energy shifts that happened this past year. Some of us are still healing from the previous spiritual shift. Winter Solstice brings a new light and amazing changes that can occur during this time.

The Southern Hemisphere is coming into the Summer Solstice and has celebrations of its own. As it is the fulfillment of the light.

Photo by Elina Fairytale on


Winter Solstice helps all Divine partners (Soulmates, Twin flames, Twin rays, Karma Connections, Past life connections). To see the light with each other; although there may be different situations with everyone.


This is a time of deep intuition and letting go of past energies, by meditating on your Soul and giving gratitude to the gifts that you have in your life.

This is an excellent time to set out your goals and put together your planner or itinerary for the new sun & year.

I start off my morning always burning sage. On the morning of the Winter Solstice. I will burn white sage and do a cleansing with lavender, clary sage Rosemary oils in my diffuser. This will helps to feel more grounded and clear of any bad energy. That you may have accumulated during the holiday rush. Trust me when I say that it is extreme during this time of the year.

This is also an excellent time to become more festive and embrace love. Even if you don’t celebrate the holidays. it’s an excellent time to embrace the light.


Even if you’re not religious, it’s all about the energy that you bring in. As we are all approaching 2024. This is the excellent time to bring out some bling and light. Decorate your home to be as beautiful and bright as you like.

And as you are coming into either Winter or Summer Solstice. It is universal that we are united as one. It’s a good time to celebrate the Summer with the warmer climate and get out there and have fun!

Meditations, connecting to your higher self as I mentioned before, are very important at this time of the year. Sending your Divine Soulmate or Twin flame light and giving telepathic messages with love will help with healing.

December 21, 2034, is a very powerful experience bringing a new era with Jupiter in conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius, all that happening on the Winter/Summer solstice. This conjunction happens about every 20 years, creating a deep spiritual change for love relationships and awakening divine counterparts as they come to a perfect alignment. This is a powerful spiritual energy shift, because of the combination of energy shifts. This is also a blessed time as it’s a magical time when the three Wisemen followed a Star to bring gifts to the night Jesus was born. Better known as the Christmas Star, it is coming close in conjunction to Jupiter and Saturn. These powerful events will amplify the energy and bring and enlightenment for Love. The Winter solstice and the Summer solstice are a celebrated time all over the world. The Winter solstice is the shortest day of the year and it is the rebirth of a new sun. In the Northern hemisphere, it falls on December 21/22, and in the Southern hemisphere, it’s on June 21/22. There are many different celebrations during this time of the year. Christmas is a time to celebrate the Winter solstice on December 25, the birth of Jesus. In other religions and cultures, there are celebrations during this time also. In Egypt, there is a celebration of Horus, and in Europe there was Yule. Winter solstice is the birth of a new light. The Sun is reborn and it is gaining strength all over again. Because of this special time, we see many different types of celebrations along with spiritual rituals that are going on at the end of the year. This is the main reason why the word "Happy Holiday" is used and it is universal all over the world. It’s not about religion or culture but about celebrating our beautiful new sun gaining strength to the planet. December 21 is a perfect time to celebrate with friends and family and the people who we care most about. It’s about uplifting your vibration and being positive. This is also a time to release any negative feelings or emotions that you may be holding onto. It’s all about the new light as it brings sensations of love and light into our environment. You will also feel certain sensations physically throughout your whole body during this time. This is mainly because of the higher energies that are emerging deeper inside of you. This is part of the higher consciousness of your higher self as it is amplified and excited for the rebirth of our new beautiful Sun being born. This is also a time when your higher self will be calling out to your divine partner. The 3D becomes less dense as the 5D merges in. This energy reciprocates right back to your Twin flame. They both are able to feel vibrations towards one another as their ascension begins. It is an excellent time to put out positive intentions and plans/goals for 2021. Throughout the month of January is another good time to set out future plans as you may be starting on your vision board. Using vision boards help with keeping your goals together and your spirit uplifted every time you add and visualize new beginnings. The Winter solstice helps everyone achieve a higher energy level. Learning to love themselves and open their hearts to love. This creates an effect on divine counterparts, including Twin flames who are not in a union. This solstice Gateway opens its peak on December 21. This gateway also signifies an opening of changes, soul cycle manifestations, and new beginnings, releasing old past wounds and starting over again. Awakenings development, it’s important for Twin flames to release ego. This can also bring sadness as people many times are sad and spiral down during the solstice. And this can go on for many weeks. Until the new year is an effect, this is part of an adjustment and releasing emotional upsets and negativities. If you are feeling sad and hurt during this time, it’s highly recommended that you focus on yourself with self-care. Twin flames are not able to manifest into the union until they are both ready. This is why it is advisable to work on yourself to prepare for the union. We saw many shifts during this year, 2020 changed everyone’s life around the World. This is all involving healing from previous spiritual paths. Winter solstice will bring new lights and amazing changes that will follow for 2021. As the Southern hemisphere is coming into the Summer solstice, this is also a celebration of its sound as it is the fulfillment of the light and the Sun. Both solstices are the opposite but represent celebration and light. It is the beginning of the end, but a total balance happening throughout the planet. The Winter solstice ignites divine partners to open themselves to the light inside themselves. Although everybody is different. Embrace gratitude while celebrating the Winter solstice. It’s a beautiful time of light but also deep energy intuition and manifestation. This is highly recommended to give gratitude for all your blessings and sharing the love in your heart with others. During this time, any people set their goals as they write in an itinerary for the coming year or planner. This is a rebirth of the new Sun and a new Year. I always give gratitude in the mornings along with prayer and saying positive affirmations. On the morning of Winter solstice, I will be burning white sage and do a spiritual cleanse with lavender, frankincense and myrrh, and other oils in my diffuser. This helps me feel more connected to the light and helps ground myself, clearing out any bad energies that you may have accumulated during the year 2020. It was a very extreme year for everyone. I highly recommend welcoming in new beginnings and changes with positivity in your thoughts. Decorate with a seasonal deco. You don’t have to be religious or follow any kind of culture. But it’s all about the energy that you bring in as we are approaching 2021. It’s an excellent time to bring out some more bling and decorate with lights as it will bring the light inside you. It’s an excellent time to meditate and connect to your higher self. This is very important during this time to reach out to others and say what’s on your mind or heart but say it with love. The Winter solstice is about bringing in positivity and embracing happy times. Reaching out to people who are in need and lend a hand the best that you can. Overall celebrating with peace and love as you’re welcoming in new beginnings and blessings. Happy Winter / Summer solstice, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!


Putting out positive intentions with visualization helps with releasing negativity and welcoming new beginnings. This helps balancing the energy with all Divine Soulmates and Twin flames.

The Winter Solstice is all about happy times. This doesn’t have to be with any specific religious or cultural spirit to celebrate. The light is all about setting new goals for long-term happiness. With new love to manifest to the highest with your Divine Soul partner.

This is also an excellent time to reach out to people who are in need. Lend give them a hand the best way you can. Celebrating with love & opening yourself to new beginnings.

I wish you all a happy Winter Solstice, Merry Christmas

And a very happy and prosperous 2024 New Year!

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