Holidays, soulmates, Twin Flames

Attract Positive, Love & Light energy for 2018

We are spiritual magnets in this world! Whenever we send out positive vibrations through our emotions, feelings and thoughts. We are attracting positivity to enter our lives. The same goes for when we focus on negative energy, we are actually attracting negativity. To raise your vibration and bring in positive energy, you must first change and shift the energy around you. Basically everything that is in this world is made from energy and that also includes us. People can pick up your energy, when you feel positive energy you will be attracting positive people and positive situations into your life. And this is the same for negative energy, as you will attract toxic people who have narcissist behavior with negativity in their lives. When you are not getting what you truly want from your life, you will be sending the wrong type of energy out into the universe. You will be attracting the current energy at that level. The same will go for negative situations that will follow. If we all set out our energy to attract vibrant healthy, vitality and longevity into ourselves, we will be putting a block to toxic, negative feelings and thoughts about ourselves. Tips on bringing in positive energy and good luck for 2018. This will also boost your immune system and push away daily stress. 1. Number one it’s all about loving and accepting yourself just who you are without limitations. Many of us has been putting out New Year’s resolutions to better ourselves for the new year. They range from losing weight, working out, quitting smoking, and the list goes on. These are excellent examples and will benefit your health greatly if you start today. You have to remember we can only improve ourselves, by changing our lifestyles and while you may have your plan in motion. Always remind yourself of the wonderful and beautiful qualities you already had in the beginning and you enhancing every day of the year. 2. Letting go of past disappointments and resentments with people who were not fair to you in 2017. Again you have to stop blaming and beating yourself up about the past issues that may have occurred between you and these people. It’s now 2018 and time to let the past go. Start fresh so you can welcome new energy of positive light into your life. 3. Gossip, yes it can be tempting but this negative talk and discussions actually send off negativity not only to that person that you are gossiping about but also all around yourself as well. Criticizing and judging can actually create a negative aura of energy that follows you. Especially if the person isn’t there to defend themselves and tell their side of the story. Try being a light and change the subject, you will make another person feel that it is wrong and stop gossiping. 4. Use your time wisely and stop giving your spiritual power away. You are doing nothing for your soul energy rather than recharging your energy and does nothing for your vibration. Focus on giving positivity in everything that you do. 5. Use visualization and dream. I highly recommend not focusing on the worst case scenario’s on situations but visualize them as you would like to see them and have a positive outcome that will manifest. 6. Try not to discuss illnesses or health issues with others. Unless it is a professional like your doctor or someone in a specialty area. Try visualizing healing and sending positive vibes to whatever is weakening you in anyway. Positive vibrations can help and also take your mind away from focusing on it so deeply. The Mind has many healing energies that can help you feel better. 7. Always feel the love in your heart and it will be an antidote to fear-based energy. Having gratitude every day for something in writing it down in a planner or journal on what you appreciate in your life. This will help you push away any type of negativity and develop an attitude with positive energy and having gratitude. Through 2018 whenever you’re feeling doubtful in your situation, you can always revisit this journal planner to help you bring your vibrations up. Especially if you are having any type of relationship issues with your soulmate, twin flame or divine partner. If you are going through a break up or you are searching for your divine Soulmate to enter in your life. This is the time to put the energy of love in your heart. The first step to bring love into your life is to love yourself first. You cannot be codependent on one person except yourself, you are your own BFF forever, just like you would not want your family or friends to get hurt. You would want to protect them but remember you are your closest BFF and family member. I know that it sounds weird, but if you think about it it is so true. Only you can bring yourself up if you’re sad down or depressed, so you were always focus on lifting your spirits up with going out with friends going out of the movies, dinner or shopping (by the way January always has excellent sales). 8. You have the power inside your spirit to heal yourself. The energy of healing and power flows through your positive vibration. Meditating on positive energy to circulate inside your soul will help your chakras become aligned and illuminate, this will remove stress. This is like pressing the reset button into your spirit. And this will also boost your immune system to feel better about yourself and be healthier. 9. Don’t worry, be happy. Just like the song says we need to start practicing this more every moment in our lives. First it’s always thanking God for everything that we have in your life and appreciating every precious moment. Believing and loving yourself for who you are today. Not looking at the past negativities but being grateful for even the smallest blessing. Your happiness is the number one priority in your life. Whenever you are feeling positive you are attracting positive energy to come into your life. Surrounding yourself with total love, light and happiness you are boosting your immune system and allowing your body to process energy for spiritual healing. 10. The month of January, most of us get the cold and snowy type weather. This is the best time to snuggle up with your divine partner or if you are alone, watch a funny TV show or movie. “Modern family” is one of my favorites, also watching fantasy shows that can help you dream like “once upon a time” (once upon a time). Usually new year resolutions usually don’t stick after 30 days.This year make the adjustment and get a planner or vision board and write down the things that you are grateful for as I mentioned in this article. Also making a vision board can be fun, I like to go to Michael’s and get all the little sticker books. I have several different types of planners that I love creating But you can find what works for you to start 2018 attracting positive light and youthful energy into your life. This helps unite the soul center and if you are a part from your divine Soulmate or twin flame, it does raise the vibration that helps divine union. These are the best strategies that work for any new year. Applying them in your life gradually, every day one day at a time. It will bring the most amazing Year!

We are spiritual magnets in this world!

Whenever we send out positive vibrations through our emotions, feelings and thoughts. We are attracting positivity to enter our lives. The same goes for when we focus on negative energy, we are actually attracting negativity.

To raise your vibration and bring in positive energy, you must first change and shift the energy around you. Basically everything that is in this world is made from energy and that also includes us.

People can pick up your energy, when you feel positive energy you will be attracting positive people and positive situations into your life. And this is the same for negative energy, as you will attract toxic people who have narcissist behavior with negativity in their lives.

Soulmates and spiritual connections There are many different types of soulmates that we meet in our lifetime. Destiny sends us certain individuals to help fulfill our lives. Many times we need to go through certain challenges and tests that we must face, before we can meet our divine partner. It would be a wonderful thing if we can find our true soulmates and live happily ever after. But unfortunately this just does not always happen. Actually soulmates including twin flames, are usually faced with negativity and drama before they can live in harmony. Twin flames can feel each other‘s energy and can create a psychic impact between them. Making a very intense and extreme connection. I’m often asked through a psychic reading/session if there is a soulmate out there that can guarantee true love and happiness. The answer is yes and no, each soulmate that enters into our lives is to supplement us and to help us grow spiritually. Many can enter in our lives forming a deep relationship and then after time falling apart. Later being led to your true divine soul mate. Soulmate love relationships are helping us to grow and teach us lessons so that we can involve our souls to move forward. Twin flames are actually the mirror that reflects back to us with the issues that we have inside ourselves. This is a time when you meet your twin flame and you need to work on these issues in order to find your true center to move forward. Meeting at twin flame can change your life forever, your life can change in many ways . But also experiencing life lessons to ground and incorporate your authentic self. Always remember that soulmates, twin flames and divine partners don’t complete a person. They help us to complete our selves and vice versa. In order for us to be the best that we can be in our lives and empower more out of life to explore and find our true spirit center. Most likely you have met more than one soulmate and was involved in many different types of social relationships. Learning several types of lessons understanding and growing. Many times there is a standstill energy with certain types that you may be the one to help them to Move forward. By strengthening your spirit you can actually empower and inspire others to do the same. It’s a type of domino effect. And then moving onto the next soul connection until finding your divine partner, yes sometimes this can take years, but it’s all part of the cell growth with finding your divine Soulmate. Many times you wonder why can’t soulmates last? Actually Soulmate’s are part of our spiritual growth and learning certain life lessons is part of the process. Souls move on day-to-day, Not everyone is meant to be with a certain type. Many times we are faced with a spiritual impact, then moving on to find your true soulmate. Soulmate sometimes are afraid of the spiritual energy. Understanding that the spiritual connection may feel amazing for you both. But deep inside they can be scared to explore it any further. Often triggering the runner and the chaser stages not only with twin flames with Soulmate Connections experience this as well. Actually runners are not running from their soulmate or twin flame but actually from something deep inside themselves, that they have not encountered and accepted. This can go on from several months to years before they come to awakening to realize where they’re at. Psychic love reading/session can help shed light and help understand what is happening and if this is an actual soulmate that’s meant to be or time to move on. Ending of a Love relationship can’t be devastating. Also it may be happening for a reason in order to shed light in life and then reconciling in divine timing. These are the lessons we need to learn and to move on to find our true divine Soulmate.

Nothing is perfect, but positive energy is!

When you are not getting what you truly want from your life, you will be sending the wrong type of energy out into the universe. You will be attracting the current energy at that level. The same will go for negative situations that will follow.

If we all set out our energy to attract vibrant healthy, vitality and longevity into ourselves, we will be putting a block to toxic, negative feelings and thoughts about ourselves.

We are spiritual magnets in this world! Whenever we send out positive vibrations through our emotions, feelings and thoughts. We are attracting positivity to enter our lives. The same goes for when we focus on negative energy, we are actually attracting negativity.  To raise your vibration and bring in positive energy, you must first change and shift the energy around you. Basically everything that is in this world is made from energy and that also includes us.  People can pick up your energy, when you feel positive energy you will be attracting positive people and positive situations into your life.  And this is the same for negative energy, as you will attract toxic people who have narcissist behavior with negativity in their lives.  When you are not getting what you truly want from your life, you will be sending the wrong type of energy out into the universe. You will be attracting the current energy at that level. The same will go for negative situations that will follow.  If we all set out our energy to attract vibrant healthy, vitality and longevity into ourselves, we will be putting a block to toxic, negative feelings and thoughts about ourselves.  Tips on bringing in positive energy and good luck for 2018. This will also boost your immune system and push away daily stress.  1. Number one it’s all about loving and accepting yourself just who you are without limitations. Many of us has been putting out New Year’s resolutions to better ourselves for the new year.  They range from losing weight, working out, quitting smoking, and the list goes on. These are excellent examples and will benefit your health greatly if you start today. You have to remember we can only improve ourselves, by changing our lifestyles and while you may have your plan in motion. Always remind yourself of the wonderful and beautiful qualities you already had in the beginning and you enhancing every day of the year.  2. Letting go of past disappointments and resentments with people who were not fair to you in 2017. Again you have to stop blaming and beating yourself up about the past issues that may have occurred between you and these people.  It’s now 2018 and time to let the past go. Start fresh so you can welcome new energy of positive light into your life.  3. Gossip, yes it can be tempting but this negative talk and discussions actually send off negativity not only to that person that you are gossiping about but also all around yourself as well.  Criticizing and judging can actually create a negative aura of energy that follows you. Especially if the person isn’t there to defend themselves and tell their side of the story. Try being a light and change the subject, you will make another person feel that it is wrong and stop gossiping.  4. Use your time wisely and stop giving your spiritual power away. You are doing nothing for your soul energy rather than recharging your energy and does nothing for your vibration. Focus on giving positivity in everything that you do.  5. Use visualization and dream. I highly recommend not focusing on the worst case scenario’s on situations but visualize them as you would like to see them and have a positive outcome that will manifest.  6. Try not to discuss illnesses or health issues with others. Unless it is a professional like your doctor or someone in a specialty area. Try visualizing healing and sending positive vibes to whatever is weakening you in anyway.  Positive vibrations can help and also take your mind away from focusing on it so deeply. The Mind has many healing energies that can help you feel better.  7. Always feel the love in your heart and it will be an antidote to fear-based energy. Having gratitude every day for something in writing it down in a planner or journal on what you appreciate in your life.  This will help you push away any type of negativity and develop an attitude with positive energy and having gratitude. Through 2018 whenever you’re feeling doubtful in your situation, you can always revisit this journal planner to help you bring your vibrations up. Especially if you are having any type of relationship issues with your soulmate, twin flame or divine partner.  If you are going through a break up or you are searching for your divine Soulmate to enter in your life. This is the time to put the energy of love in your heart.  The first step to bring love into your life is to love yourself first. You cannot be codependent on one person except yourself, you are your own BFF forever, just like you would not want your family or friends to get hurt. You would want to protect them but remember you are your closest BFF and family member. I know that it sounds weird, but if you think about it it is so true.  Only you can bring yourself up if you’re sad down or depressed, so you were always focus on lifting your spirits up with going out with friends going out of the movies, dinner or shopping (by the way January always has excellent sales).  8. You have the power inside your spirit to heal yourself. The energy of healing and power flows through your positive vibration. Meditating on positive energy to circulate inside your soul will help your chakras become aligned and illuminate, this will remove stress. This is like pressing the reset button into your spirit. And this will also boost your immune system to feel better about yourself and be healthier.  9. Don’t worry, be happy. Just like the song says we need to start practicing this more every moment in our lives.  First it’s always thanking God for everything that we have in your life and appreciating every precious moment. Believing and loving yourself for who you are today. Not looking at the past negativities but being grateful for even the smallest blessing.  Your happiness is the number one priority in your life. Whenever you are feeling positive you are attracting positive energy to come into your life.  Surrounding yourself with total love, light and happiness you are boosting your immune system and allowing your body to process energy for spiritual healing.  10. The month of January, most of us get the cold and snowy type weather. This is the best time to snuggle up with your divine partner or if you are alone, watch a funny TV show or movie. “Modern family” is one of my favorites, also watching fantasy shows that can help you dream like “once upon a time” (once upon a time).  Usually new year resolutions usually don’t stick after 30 days.This year make the adjustment and get a planner or vision board and write down the things that you are grateful for as I mentioned in this article.  Also making a vision board can be fun, I like to go to Michael’s and get all the little sticker books. I have several different types of planners that I love creating But you can find what works for you to start 2018 attracting positive light and youthful energy into your life. This helps unite the soul center and if you are a part from your divine Soulmate or twin flame, it does raise the vibration that helps divine union.  These are the best strategies that work for any new year. Applying them in your life gradually, every day one day at a time. It will bring the most amazing Year!

Tips on bringing in positive energy and good luck for 2018. This will also boost your immune system and push away daily stress.

1. Love yourself forever!

Number one it’s all about loving and accepting yourself just who you are without limitations. Many of us has been putting out New Year’s resolutions to better ourselves for the new year.

They range from losing weight, working out, quitting smoking, and the list goes on. These are excellent examples and will benefit your health greatly if you start today. You have to remember we can only improve ourselves, by changing our lifestyles and while you may have your plan in motion. Always remind yourself of the wonderful and beautiful qualities you already had in the beginning and you enhancing every day of the year.

2. Letting go of past disappointments and resentments with people who were not fair to you in 2017.

Again you have to stop blaming and beating yourself up about the past issues that may have occurred between you and these people.

It’s now 2018 and time to let the past go. Start fresh so you can welcome new energy of positive light into your life.

3. Gossip.

Yes it can be tempting but this negative talk and discussions actually send off negativity not only to that person that you are gossiping about but also all around yourself as well.

Criticizing and judging can actually create a negative aura of energy that follows you. Especially if the person isn’t there to defend themselves and tell their side of the story. Try being a light and change the subject, you will make another person feel that it is wrong and stop gossiping.

4. Use your time wisely and stop giving your spiritual power away.

Arguing points and principles doesn’t do anything. You are doing nothing for your soul energy rather than recharging your energy and does nothing for your vibration. Focus on giving positivity in everything that you do.


5. Use visualization and dream.

I highly recommend not focusing on the worst case scenarios on situations but visualize them as you would like to see them and have a positive outcome that will manifest.

6. Try not to discuss illnesses or health issues with others.

Unless it is a professional like your doctor or someone in a specialty area. Try visualizing healing and sending positive vibes to whatever is weakening you in anyway.

Positive vibrations can help and also take your mind away from focusing on it so deeply. The Mind has many healing energies that can help you feel better.

7. Always feel the love in your heart and it will be an antidote to fear-based energy.

Having gratitude every day for something in writing it down in a planner or journal on what you appreciate in your life.

This will help you push away any type of negativity and develop an attitude with positive energy and having gratitude. Through 2018 whenever you’re feeling doubtful in your situation, you can always revisit this journal planner to help you bring your vibrations up. Especially if you are having any type of relationship issues with your soulmate, twin flame or divine partner.

If you are going through a break up or you are searching for your divine Soulmate to enter in your life. This is the time to put the energy of love in your heart.

We are spiritual magnets in this world! Whenever we send out positive vibrations through our emotions, feelings and thoughts. We are attracting positivity to enter our lives. The same goes for when we focus on negative energy, we are actually attracting negativity.  To raise your vibration and bring in positive energy, you must first change and shift the energy around you. Basically everything that is in this world is made from energy and that also includes us.  People can pick up your energy, when you feel positive energy you will be attracting positive people and positive situations into your life.  And this is the same for negative energy, as you will attract toxic people who have narcissist behavior with negativity in their lives.  When you are not getting what you truly want from your life, you will be sending the wrong type of energy out into the universe. You will be attracting the current energy at that level. The same will go for negative situations that will follow.  If we all set out our energy to attract vibrant healthy, vitality and longevity into ourselves, we will be putting a block to toxic, negative feelings and thoughts about ourselves.  Tips on bringing in positive energy and good luck for 2018. This will also boost your immune system and push away daily stress.  1. Number one it’s all about loving and accepting yourself just who you are without limitations. Many of us has been putting out New Year’s resolutions to better ourselves for the new year.  They range from losing weight, working out, quitting smoking, and the list goes on. These are excellent examples and will benefit your health greatly if you start today. You have to remember we can only improve ourselves, by changing our lifestyles and while you may have your plan in motion. Always remind yourself of the wonderful and beautiful qualities you already had in the beginning and you enhancing every day of the year.  2. Letting go of past disappointments and resentments with people who were not fair to you in 2017. Again you have to stop blaming and beating yourself up about the past issues that may have occurred between you and these people.  It’s now 2018 and time to let the past go. Start fresh so you can welcome new energy of positive light into your life.  3. Gossip, yes it can be tempting but this negative talk and discussions actually send off negativity not only to that person that you are gossiping about but also all around yourself as well.  Criticizing and judging can actually create a negative aura of energy that follows you. Especially if the person isn’t there to defend themselves and tell their side of the story. Try being a light and change the subject, you will make another person feel that it is wrong and stop gossiping.  4. Use your time wisely and stop giving your spiritual power away. You are doing nothing for your soul energy rather than recharging your energy and does nothing for your vibration. Focus on giving positivity in everything that you do.  5. Use visualization and dream. I highly recommend not focusing on the worst case scenario’s on situations but visualize them as you would like to see them and have a positive outcome that will manifest.  6. Try not to discuss illnesses or health issues with others. Unless it is a professional like your doctor or someone in a specialty area. Try visualizing healing and sending positive vibes to whatever is weakening you in anyway.  Positive vibrations can help and also take your mind away from focusing on it so deeply. The Mind has many healing energies that can help you feel better.  7. Always feel the love in your heart and it will be an antidote to fear-based energy. Having gratitude every day for something in writing it down in a planner or journal on what you appreciate in your life.  This will help you push away any type of negativity and develop an attitude with positive energy and having gratitude. Through 2018 whenever you’re feeling doubtful in your situation, you can always revisit this journal planner to help you bring your vibrations up. Especially if you are having any type of relationship issues with your soulmate, twin flame or divine partner.  If you are going through a break up or you are searching for your divine Soulmate to enter in your life. This is the time to put the energy of love in your heart.  The first step to bring love into your life is to love yourself first. You cannot be codependent on one person except yourself, you are your own BFF forever, just like you would not want your family or friends to get hurt. You would want to protect them but remember you are your closest BFF and family member. I know that it sounds weird, but if you think about it it is so true.  Only you can bring yourself up if you’re sad down or depressed, so you were always focus on lifting your spirits up with going out with friends going out of the movies, dinner or shopping (by the way January always has excellent sales).  8. You have the power inside your spirit to heal yourself. The energy of healing and power flows through your positive vibration. Meditating on positive energy to circulate inside your soul will help your chakras become aligned and illuminate, this will remove stress. This is like pressing the reset button into your spirit. And this will also boost your immune system to feel better about yourself and be healthier.  9. Don’t worry, be happy. Just like the song says we need to start practicing this more every moment in our lives.  First it’s always thanking God for everything that we have in your life and appreciating every precious moment. Believing and loving yourself for who you are today. Not looking at the past negativities but being grateful for even the smallest blessing.  Your happiness is the number one priority in your life. Whenever you are feeling positive you are attracting positive energy to come into your life.  Surrounding yourself with total love, light and happiness you are boosting your immune system and allowing your body to process energy for spiritual healing.  10. The month of January, most of us get the cold and snowy type weather. This is the best time to snuggle up with your divine partner or if you are alone, watch a funny TV show or movie. “Modern family” is one of my favorites, also watching fantasy shows that can help you dream like “once upon a time” (once upon a time).  Usually new year resolutions usually don’t stick after 30 days.This year make the adjustment and get a planner or vision board and write down the things that you are grateful for as I mentioned in this article.  Also making a vision board can be fun, I like to go to Michael’s and get all the little sticker books. I have several different types of planners that I love creating But you can find what works for you to start 2018 attracting positive light and youthful energy into your life. This helps unite the soul center and if you are a part from your divine Soulmate or twin flame, it does raise the vibration that helps divine union.  These are the best strategies that work for any new year. Applying them in your life gradually, every day one day at a time. It will bring the most amazing Year!

The first step to bring love into your life is to love yourself first. You cannot be codependent on one person except yourself, you are your own BFF forever, just like you would not want your family or friends to get hurt. You would want to protect them but remember you are your closest BFF and family member. I know that it sounds weird, but if you think about it it is so true.

Only you can bring yourself up if you’re sad down or depressed, so you were always focus on lifting your spirits up with going out with friends going out of the movies, dinner or shopping (by the way January always has excellent sales).

8. You have the power inside your spirit to heal yourself.

The energy of healing and power flows through your positive vibration. Meditating on positive energy to circulate inside your soul will help your chakras become aligned and illuminate, this will remove stress. This is like pressing the reset button into your spirit. And this will also boost your immune system to feel better about yourself and be healthier.

9. Don’t worry, be happy.

Just like the song says we need to start practicing this more every moment in our lives.

First it’s always thanking God for everything that we have in your life and appreciating every precious moment. Believing and loving yourself for who you are today. Not looking at the past negativities but being grateful for even the smallest blessing.

Your happiness is the number one priority in your life. Whenever you are feeling positive you are attracting positive energy to come into your life.

Surrounding yourself with total love, light and happiness you are boosting your immune system and allowing your body to process energy for spiritual healing.

10. Cuddle up with a warm throw blanket and hot cocoa or latte

The month of January, most of us get the cold and snowy type weather. This is the best time to snuggle up with your divine partner or if you are alone, watch a funny TV show or movie. “Modern family” is one of my favorites, also watching fantasy shows that can help you dream like “once upon a time” (once upon a time).

Usually new year resolutions usually don’t stick after 30 days. This year make the adjustment and get a planner or vision board and write down the things that you are grateful for as I mentioned in this article.

We are spiritual magnets in this world! Whenever we send out positive vibrations through our emotions, feelings and thoughts. We are attracting positivity to enter our lives. The same goes for when we focus on negative energy, we are actually attracting negativity. To raise your vibration and bring in positive energy, you must first change and shift the energy around you. Basically everything that is in this world is made from energy and that also includes us. People can pick up your energy, when you feel positive energy you will be attracting positive people and positive situations into your life. And this is the same for negative energy, as you will attract toxic people who have narcissist behavior with negativity in their lives. When you are not getting what you truly want from your life, you will be sending the wrong type of energy out into the universe. You will be attracting the current energy at that level. The same will go for negative situations that will follow. If we all set out our energy to attract vibrant healthy, vitality and longevity into ourselves, we will be putting a block to toxic, negative feelings and thoughts about ourselves. Tips on bringing in positive energy and good luck for 2018. This will also boost your immune system and push away daily stress. 1. Number one it’s all about loving and accepting yourself just who you are without limitations. Many of us has been putting out New Year’s resolutions to better ourselves for the new year. They range from losing weight, working out, quitting smoking, and the list goes on. These are excellent examples and will benefit your health greatly if you start today. You have to remember we can only improve ourselves, by changing our lifestyles and while you may have your plan in motion. Always remind yourself of the wonderful and beautiful qualities you already had in the beginning and you enhancing every day of the year. 2. Letting go of past disappointments and resentments with people who were not fair to you in 2017. Again you have to stop blaming and beating yourself up about the past issues that may have occurred between you and these people. It’s now 2018 and time to let the past go. Start fresh so you can welcome new energy of positive light into your life. 3. Gossip, yes it can be tempting but this negative talk and discussions actually send off negativity not only to that person that you are gossiping about but also all around yourself as well. Criticizing and judging can actually create a negative aura of energy that follows you. Especially if the person isn’t there to defend themselves and tell their side of the story. Try being a light and change the subject, you will make another person feel that it is wrong and stop gossiping. 4. Use your time wisely and stop giving your spiritual power away. You are doing nothing for your soul energy rather than recharging your energy and does nothing for your vibration. Focus on giving positivity in everything that you do. 5. Use visualization and dream. I highly recommend not focusing on the worst case scenario’s on situations but visualize them as you would like to see them and have a positive outcome that will manifest. 6. Try not to discuss illnesses or health issues with others. Unless it is a professional like your doctor or someone in a specialty area. Try visualizing healing and sending positive vibes to whatever is weakening you in anyway. Positive vibrations can help and also take your mind away from focusing on it so deeply. The Mind has many healing energies that can help you feel better. 7. Always feel the love in your heart and it will be an antidote to fear-based energy. Having gratitude every day for something in writing it down in a planner or journal on what you appreciate in your life. This will help you push away any type of negativity and develop an attitude with positive energy and having gratitude. Through 2018 whenever you’re feeling doubtful in your situation, you can always revisit this journal planner to help you bring your vibrations up. Especially if you are having any type of relationship issues with your soulmate, twin flame or divine partner. If you are going through a break up or you are searching for your divine Soulmate to enter in your life. This is the time to put the energy of love in your heart. The first step to bring love into your life is to love yourself first. You cannot be codependent on one person except yourself, you are your own BFF forever, just like you would not want your family or friends to get hurt. You would want to protect them but remember you are your closest BFF and family member. I know that it sounds weird, but if you think about it it is so true. Only you can bring yourself up if you’re sad down or depressed, so you were always focus on lifting your spirits up with going out with friends going out of the movies, dinner or shopping (by the way January always has excellent sales). 8. You have the power inside your spirit to heal yourself. The energy of healing and power flows through your positive vibration. Meditating on positive energy to circulate inside your soul will help your chakras become aligned and illuminate, this will remove stress. This is like pressing the reset button into your spirit. And this will also boost your immune system to feel better about yourself and be healthier. 9. Don’t worry, be happy. Just like the song says we need to start practicing this more every moment in our lives. First it’s always thanking God for everything that we have in your life and appreciating every precious moment. Believing and loving yourself for who you are today. Not looking at the past negativities but being grateful for even the smallest blessing. Your happiness is the number one priority in your life. Whenever you are feeling positive you are attracting positive energy to come into your life. Surrounding yourself with total love, light and happiness you are boosting your immune system and allowing your body to process energy for spiritual healing. 10. The month of January, most of us get the cold and snowy type weather. This is the best time to snuggle up with your divine partner or if you are alone, watch a funny TV show or movie. “Modern family” is one of my favorites, also watching fantasy shows that can help you dream like “once upon a time” (once upon a time). Usually new year resolutions usually don’t stick after 30 days.This year make the adjustment and get a planner or vision board and write down the things that you are grateful for as I mentioned in this article. Also making a vision board can be fun, I like to go to Michael’s and get all the little sticker books. I have several different types of planners that I love creating But you can find what works for you to start 2018 attracting positive light and youthful energy into your life. This helps unite the soul center and if you are a part from your divine Soulmate or twin flame, it does raise the vibration that helps divine union. These are the best strategies that work for any new year. Applying them in your life gradually, every day one day at a time. It will bring the most amazing Year!

Also making a vision board can be fun, I like to go to Michael’s and get all the little sticker books. I have several different types of planners that I love creating But you can find what works for you to start 2018 attracting positive light and youthful energy into your life.  This helps unite the soul center and if you are a part from your divine Soulmate or twin flame, it does raise the vibration that helps divine union.

These are the best strategies that work for any new year. Applying them in your life gradually, every day one day at a time. It will bring the most amazing Year!

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